Irresponsible Masters
Author: Mystik
Filed in: dominance, submission, definitions
One example of irresponsibility in regards to a slave's rights and developing trust in her Master are "safe words."
“Safe words”: A safe word is a signal to the Master to stop, in case the slave is overwhelmed and MUST stop. She may act out wanting Him to stop at certain times when she may actually want Him to continue, so there must be a specific word or signal when she means it. There are those who object to giving the slave this power; after all, she is a slave. This is rubbish. I only have to mention one overriding consideration. What if she has a condition (whether she knows it or not) and must seek medical attention at a given moment? Is some fool going to tell me to ignore it, even at the cost of her life? SAFE WORDS ARE NECESSARY! Let’s say, beyond that, the slave has consented to be powerless without a safe word, and she has explicitly consented to each thing beforehand. Sex is not always planned. What if at the moment He takes her she is overwhelmed with grief at losing a loved one and must stop? Or what if she is not experienced and only says, “Do whatever you want,” but finds herself needing to stop at all costs? I don’t care what she said, or what a man told her to expect. At that point she does NOT CONSENT. To ignore this is a clue: the man is sick, that is, he does not care about her emotional well-being (seek help). He does not even care about the imperative that the Master/slave relationship is CONSENSUAL. To complain that it limits the man’s power is silly. There are already limits. The man enters a fantasy world of TRUST. His power is based on fantasy, AND AGREEMENT. She has NOT failed Him. He cannot accuse her of not wishing to fulfill His command. She may need more time to get used to a thing. As in all relationships, they must be willing to work things out. If a man refuses to give her a safe word, a woman MUST assume the man is dangerous.
Abuse is NOT merely subjective. If a man doesn't care about her emotional needs, he is merely playing out juvenile fantasies.
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