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Fetish Wear for a Tenner or Less

Author: Lauren

Filed in: shopping, clothing on a budget, fetishwear

So you've finally plucked up the courage to go to your first club or you're just plain broke and want something new to wear. So what do you do? Well the short answer is - "be creative!" There are some spectacular outfits out there and not all of them came from the designer stores and cost an arm and a leg! One thing you do need to bear in mind when putting together any fetish outfit is that dress codes vary from event to event. If you're in doubt that something will be acceptable at a particular club then email or call the organisers and ask! It saves wasted time, money and embarrassment!

What's in your Wardrobe?

Start by taking a look at what you already have in the closet. Have you got a corset you could put a different spin on with a new skirt? A black dress that you never wear that could be modified? A pair of leather motorcycle trousers that could be teamed up with a frilly shirt for a totally new look? Some lacy underwear that with sequins could resemble a Vegas showgirl outfit? A plain white shirt that could have lace added at collar and cuffs?

If you don't want to blow the budget or go to a lot of effort then working with something you already have is probably your best bet! And whilst you're mooching through your wardrobe check for anything that you don't wear and isn't adaptable. If it's in good condition why not sell it and provide some additional money for buying or making some new fetish gear.


Search out bargains in your local charity shops (thrift stores for any Americans reading this!), jumble sales, markets, bargain bins and the classified ads in your local papers. You can get some great little dresses and even leather skirts and trousers for less than a tenner. Even if something is not right as it is how about if you add some accessories, do a bit of snipping and remodelling and use it as a basis for something totally unique? Or try a machine dye and change the colour. The same with boots or shoes, if you find something nice but in the wrong colour shoe dye can work wonders!

Don't forget the online auction sites either. Though they're becoming more and more popular there are still some bargains to be had on places like ebay and some of the lesser known sites. Unfortunately the majority of clothing seems to be sold from the US and the postage can make it cost prohibitive :(


Think about your accessories. That little black cocktail dress could look totally different with a collar, cuffs, long gloves and a chain belt. If you don't already own the accessories then make some! Chain and rope are relatively inexpensive and can make wonderful accessories or indeed a whole outfit in their own right! Rope corsets and dresses are very beautiful to look at so if you've got a friend who's into rope work your problem is solved!

Be Creative

If you can sew then take a trip down the local market and look at their bargain rolls. I've had some wonderful PVC look black material off the market for a pound a metre in the past. Cotton is cheap and you can make a wonderful men's 'period' shirt from it for next to nothing. Net is very cheap and can make a very effective skirt. You can get some great smaller pieces of fabric to in oddments bins. If you can't cut without a pattern then it's back to charity shops to hunt for second hand patterns. Alternatively check out local sewing shops 'cause most have a one or twice a year sale when they sell off patterns without their envelopes for about 50p. If you see something you like that's suitably pervertable then pick it up whilst is on offer and keep for future use! You can even find quite a few basic patterns free online.

If you don't have a machine then you can still do something pretty amazing with some existing clothes as a basis, a needle and thread, scissors and some extra bits! Look for cheap and interesting trimmings, you can tack on feathered trim, lace or ribbon in next to no time and totally change an outfit.

If sewing is not an option then that doesn't rule out material. Iron on hemming stuff can solve your problem. Or get even more creative and make the fixings part of your outfit. Its amazing what you can do with a packet of safety pins!

If you fancy something a little more unusual then think about other 'materials'. My local post office sells bubble wrap for about a pound for several metres. Combine that with a roll of gaffer tape and you knock up something very different in next to no time! The downside is that you'll have to spend the night fighting off those of us who have a compulsive desire to pop the bubbles though!

Cling film is something else that makes a great outfit relatively inexpensively. Look out for catering packs on offer in your supermarket. If you shop around you can even find it in a range of colours! Get a friend to wrap you up and you've got a new top or evening dress in no time! Be wary though of wearing cling film covering too much of the body tightly for too long though as the skin does need to breathe!

Flexi sex bondage tape is another wonderful thing to use to make an outfit. You can make virtually anything out of it from a set of cuffs to a top to full evening dress! It even comes in a range of colours. If you've never tried this stuff then do. You can even use what's left over after making your outfit for bondage in your hotel room when you get back without leaving behind any tell tale signs! A couple of rolls go a long way and most of the suppliers will be happy to demonstrate it to you at the various markets. Dave from Bizz-R has made me some gorgeous dresses out of it that have turned a few heads!

Another option is liquid latex. Again, it comes in a range of colours and your only limit is your imagination. The thing I love about liquid latex outfits is that from a distance it actually looks like you're wearing clothes and it's only when someone get up close the reality hits!


A lot of clubs have themed nights where you can pervert something more mainstream into an outfit. They can also create a lot of scope for something different and interesting. At a Sci Fi theme night I saw a wonderful 'borg' outfit made out of rubber car mats cut up with old computer parts stuck onto them worn over a black catsuit. Very effective and inexpensive!

Consider the Overall Look

Outrageous hair and make up can make a plain outfit seem far more fetishy. You can also make use of temporary tattoos and body paint to make an 'outfit' out of something very simple

Use the Internet

It's a great source of free information. There are a number of mailing lists devoted to making your own fetish wear, where you can pick hints and tips for free. There's also a host of websites with patterns and instructions for making various outfits and simply browsing through other people's sites can provide great inspiration

Think Laterally

One gentleman made up a wonderful outfit for his first club out of a thong and a pair of L Plates. Not exactly 'traditional' fetishwear but not only acceptable but it made his point too!

So no, you don't need to have an extensive designer wardrobe to produce something that will not only look spectacular but also meet a dress code. What you do need is a bit of time and some creativity. So revisit the days of Blue Peter and get out that sticky backed plastic and washing up liquid bottle and go for it! And don't forget bin liners are made of PVC.

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