Links Tagged: Magazines
ST BDSM Ezine Visits: 376 | Equus Eroticus Magazine Whether you enjoy human ponies for show, riding or pulling a cart, you are a person who will enjoy receiving EQUUS EROTICUS Magazine. This magazine is your entrance into the exciting world of human ponies. EQUUS EROTICUS is devoted exclusively to ponygirls and boys. Each issue contains color and black & white photos, letters, original illustrations, and articles as well as original fiction and real life stories. Visits: 568 |
The Gorean Voice A monthly e-zine for fans of John Norman's Chronicles of Gor and for Gorean Lifestyles. Visits: 360 | Exchange: Knowledge is Power Shared Learning is a shared experience. This bi-weekly newsletter brings your submissions about a variety of topics together into one knowledge base. Learn, explore and ultimately SHARE your knowledge. Visits: 352 |