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Links Database

The links provided here are a diverse listing of all things fetish sorted by tags. Browsing other resources in your learning is greatly encouraged. There are over 500 links here for you to peruse. The Iron Gate is always accepting new, fresh links. If you would like to add your link to this database, please submit it here!

Links Tagged: Flogging

Basics of Flogging

To the novice flogging may look easy, and actually it's not that difficult, but it does require concentration and physical exertion along with some practice.

Visits: 535
Tagged: how-to, flogging
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We are proud to have become one of the best known "lifestyle" Flogger makers on the East Coast. We've been able to do that by lovingly crafting each of our handmade and individually finished Floggers ourselves.

Visits: 359
Tagged: toys, flogging, shopping
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Floggers and Whips

by silkenluv

Visits: 521
Tagged: flogging, whips
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