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The links provided here are a diverse listing of all things fetish sorted by tags. Browsing other resources in your learning is greatly encouraged. There are over 500 links here for you to peruse. The Iron Gate is always accepting new, fresh links. If you would like to add your link to this database, please submit it here!

Links Tagged: Submission

Dispelling BDSM Doubts: The Bottom

From Mistress Ariachne's BDSM Workshop

Visits: 363
Tagged: submission
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Tips for Submissives

Part 1

Visits: 641
Tagged: submission
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Submissive Mythology

Visits: 351
Tagged: submission
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Stormcat's Slave Training

Visits: 3507
Tagged: submission, training, slavery
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BEST slave Training

A guide and reference to basic and advanced slave training and the BDSM lifestyle based on a method of setting goals for your slave and instilling the motivations to achieve the goals.

Visits: 968
Tagged: submission, training
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A Slave is Not a Submissive

want to explore those differences here and illustrate why I believe that a submissive and a slave are two entirely different creatures, as unlike as apples and oranges.

Visits: 621
Tagged: submission, slavery, definitions
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TiedMoments - Submission

Visits: 314
Tagged: submission
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Submissive Loving

Visits: 495
Tagged: submission, resources
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BDSM Backroom - Slave Postions

For this reason we decided to provide a description of some basic positions which are commonly used and to write a few things about the their background. Of course, the presented positions are only samples and every couple develops their own style and variations.

Visits: 1837
Tagged: submission, training, positions
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Submissive Positions

Visits: 4074
Tagged: submission, training, slavery, positions
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Internal Enslavement

We aim to develop practical techniques which use detailed examination of a female slave's thoughts, emotions and past experiences to establish and maintain a solid and inescapable state of ownership. In doing this, we wish to cut through the vague concept of "Slave Training" popular in BDSM fiction and websites.

Visits: 1025
Tagged: submission, training, slavery
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Sub Fever - what it is and is there a cure

Submission comes from the heart and soul, not the body or fingertips. Medium is irrelevant. I am not saying that any type of submission is better than another. I am basically talking about how the newest fashion statement, like the Gorean one that precedes this, is to be a submissive.

Visits: 399
Tagged: submission
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Submissives Need to Take A Stand on Abuse

Excellent little essay about taking a stand.

Visits: 573
Tagged: submission, abuse
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The Submissive Matrix

One of the continuing debates is what is submission? As anyone who is new to the lifestyle and has done some research has found out, each person seems to have his or her own definition. Depending on whom you talk with or the website you visit, submission is defined in a variety of ways.

Visits: 487
Tagged: submission
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High End Submissive

This submissive often emerges quite young. This submissive is most often a female. S/he will generally be quite bright, articulate, charming, loving, giving, career oriented, willful. None of these characteristics will identify or reveal this submissive's truth.

Visits: 424
Tagged: submission
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Slave Positions

As a helpful hint, to get a feel for the emotions that are felt by a slave girl in these positions, and to help you better describe the positions, try practicing these positions in front of a mirror, wearing a short but loose silk blouse. Notice how these positions display your beauty and grace. The feeling of being a totally owned and submitted slave can be overpowering. The joy and freedom of being a bound slave burns in your belly and the Masters love seeing a slave girl kneeling at his feet.

Visits: 3039
Tagged: submission, training, slavery, positions
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A Comic View of Subs

Visits: 429
Tagged: submission, humor, online
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The Enigmatic Angel

the dreams, poetry, erotica, tales of real-life adventures, and miscellaneous meanderings of a switch in switchspace

Visits: 308
Tagged: submission
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A Submissive's Initiative

BDSM at its Best: Open, Honest, Safe

BDSM information, resources, articles, reviews and more! 

Visits: 464
Tagged: submission
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