Links Tagged: Fiction
Literotica Visits: 337 | BDSM Cafe Visits: 964 |
Gromet's Plaza Stories and resources for those interested in self-bondage and mummification and latex. Visits: 391 | BDSM Library Erotic Stories of BDSM Visits: 360 | Yes, there are erotic stories here, for all your reading pleasure. Visits: 366 | Spanking from Bethany's Woodshed A site with high quality spanking and enema fiction. Mostly M/F some F/F. p Visits: 646 |
Susan Strict's World of Dominance Lovely personal site with stories, erotic toys and forums! Visits: 633 | Akasha's Web Original Erotic Femdom Stories and Information since 1995 Visits: 622 |
Old Tom Archive of Caning and Spanking Stories Caning and Spanking Stories and Galleries with a D/s Flavor Visits: 823 | The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive Visits: 310 |
Kristen's Collection of Favorite Stories A collection of selected works that have been chosen by readers. These works are rated for their "sex" appeal, but are not the only great works within the archive by any means. But every story listed below is sure to give pleasure to the reader. Enjoy! Visits: 383 | Remittance Girl Lovely erotic stories Visits: 361 |
sophi's grand empire bring back the passion" secrets tumbling from my heart erotic thoughts ... Visits: 531 |