Getting Freaky With It: Fetishes, Paraphilias, and Just Plain Freaky
Author: Norische
Filed in: fetish
The first thing that must be discussed is what exactly is a fetish. In psychiatry a fetish is an object, action or bodily part whose real or fantasized presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification, it is also thought that said fixation may be to the extent in which it can impede on the “normal” sexual expression of an individual.
When someone has a fetish it can vary greatly in degree; from a mild attraction to a serious diversion. However, a fetish is not generally considered abnormal until it effects other social aspects of an individual’s life or if the fetish itself is considered socially unacceptable even dangerous.
Fetishes may be based on objects, such as shoes, lingerie, or leather. They may be based on actions, such as sneezing, spanking, or the consumption of blood. A Fetish may also be based on a bodily part, such as hair, feet, or eyes; a fetish is not generally based on sexual organs however.
In Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine a paraphilia was defined as:
“A condition in which a person’s sexual arousal and gratification depends on a fantasy theme of an unusual situation or object that becomes the principle focus of sexual behavior.”
In psychiatry paraphilia is described by DSM-IV as:
“Sexual impulse disorders characterized by intensely arousing, recurrent sexual fantasies, urges and behaviors considered deviant with respect to cultural norms and that produce clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of psychosocial functioning.”
In layman’s terms a paraphilia is a sexual behavior that becomes so obsessive to an individual that it impedes on their functioning as a productive individual within societies acceptable parameters
In My terms some one is too busy trying to get their rocks off that they can’t think straight. Ok, ok, so that explanation is a little off, but in it’s most drastic of forms a paraphilia can be extremely distracting, even to the point of controlling everything a person thinks or does. There are some people that get jobs as a hair dresser just because they are sexually attracted to hair and by being a hair stylist they are not only able to participate in their fetish and fantasies but they get paid for doing something they adore.
Freaky, this one is a little harder to define. Normally something is considered freaky when it is unusual, new, different, or just plain strange. However to each individual freaky is defined differently, it is one hundred percent based on an individual’s personal preferences and opinions. What is one man’s freak may be another man’s common everyday occurrence. Most of society would think that BDSM is freaky. To someone within the BDSM lifestyle however things such as bondage, flogging, service, and even slavery are commonplace, there is nothing freaky about any of them.
Some people may describe freaky as anything that is outside the socially acceptable norms of society. This definition would however depend on which society or culture you’re basing your norms on. In some cultures it is quite normal for a woman to be circumcised, having both the clitoris and the labia removed in an effort to ensure chastity in young females. In another culture it is seen as completely acceptable to beat oneself with chains, switches, or whips in a effort to purify oneself during religious practices.
In yet another culture young males that are entering puberty voluntarily allow themselves to be pierced on the chest or back by large hooks and to be suspended from those hooks until the skin finally gives way leaving a horrible scar, all of which is seen as an acceptable right of passage.
Freaky is simply an opinion, nothing more nothing less. Here is a list of common and not so common fetishes, paraphilias, and just plain freaky stuff.
Acrophilia – Arousal from heights and high altitudes
Agalmatophilia – Arousal from statues or manikins
Agonophilia – Arousal from your partner pretending to struggle
Agoraphilia – Arousal from open space or having sex in public
Agrexophilia – Arousal from others knowing you are having sex
Albutophilia – Arousal from water
Algophilia – Arousal from experiencing pain
Allopellia – Arousal from watching other people in sexual activities
Allorgasmia – Arousal from fantasizing about someone other than you partner
Allotriorasty – Arousal from partner of different nationalities or races
Alphamegamia – Arousal from having a partner of a different age group
Altocalciphilia – Arousal from high heels
Amaurophilia – Arousal from blindfolds or arousal from a blind sexual partner
Amomaxiphilia – Arousal from sex in a parked car
Amelotasis – Arousal from a partner with the absence of a limb
Amychesiphilia – Arousal from scratching
Anasteemaphilia – Arousal from a shorter or taller partner
Androminetophilia – Arousal from female partners whom dress like males
Androsodomy – Anal sex with a male partner
Anililagnia – Arousal from a older female partner
Anomeatia – Anal sex with a female partner
Antholagnia – Arousal from smelling flowers
Anthropophagy – Arousal from consuming human flesh or blood
Apotemnophilia – Arousal from someone that has lost a limb
Archnephilia – Arousal from spiders
Asthenolagnia – Arousal from being humiliated or weakness
Autogynephilia – Arousal form crossdressing
Automysophulia – Arousal from being dirty or defiled
Barosmia – Arousal from smell
Basoexia – Arousal from kissing
Blastolania – Arousal from younger females
Candalagnia – Arousal from watching your spouse have sex with someone else
Capnogalia – Arousal from watching others smoke
Catamites – Young gay male lovers
Cathterohilia – Arousal from inserting a catheter
Chezolagnia – Masturbating while defecating
Choreophilia – Dancing oneself to orgasm
Chrematistophilia – Person aroused by having to pay for sex, or from being robbed
Coprolalia – Arousal from hearing obscene language
Coprplagnia – Arousal from eating excrement
Coprophilia – Arousal associated with the act of defecation
Cratolagnia – Arousal from the strength of partner
Crurofact – Arousal from Legs
Dacrylagnia – Arousal from seeing tears in the eyes of a partner
Defecolagnia – Arousal from defication
Defilement – Arousal from seeing partner or self becoming wet or dirty
Dendrophilia – Arousal from tree or fertility worship of them
Dermagraphism – Arousal from marks left on skin of partner by biting, scratching or
Or sucking
Dermaphilia – Arousal from skin
Doraphilia – Arousal from fur, leather, or skin
Dysmorphophilia – Arousal from deformed or physically imparted partners
Ecdemolagnia – Arousal from traveling or being away from home
Ecdyosis – Arousal from removing clothing in front of other people
Ecouteurism – Arousal from listening to others having sex
Electrophilia – Arousal from electrical stimulus
Endytophilia – Arousal from partners who are clothed
Eproctolagniac – Arousal from flatulence
Emetophilia – Arousal from vomit or vomiting
Flagellation – Sexual excitement associated with the act of whipping or being whipped
Flatuphilia – Arousal from having partner pass gas
Fretrilagnia – Arousal from having sex with one’s brother
Frotteurism – Sexual excitement obtained by rubbing against a fully clothed body of
Another person
Galateism – Sexual attraction to statues
Gerontophilia – Sexual arousal from sex with the elderly
Gomphopothic – Arousal from the sight of teeth
Graophilia – Arousal from a older person
Gregomulcia – Arousal from being fondled in a crowd
Gynelophilious – Arousal from pubic hair
Gynemimetphilia – Arousal by a male impersonating a female
Harpaxophilia – Arousal from being robbed
Hemotigolagnia – Arousal from bloody sanitary pads
Heterophilia – Arousal from members of the opposite sex
Hierophilia – Arousal from sacred objects
Hirutophilia – Arousal from armpit hair
Hodophilia – Arousal from traveling
Homilophilia – Arousal from giving or hearing sermons
Hybristophilia – Arousal from being with someone that has committed a crime
Hygrophilia – Arousal from body fluids
Iantronudia – Arousal from exposing oneself to a physician
Iconolagny – Arousal from pictures of statues or nude people
Idrophrodisia – Arousal from the odor of perspiration, especially from the genitals
Infantilism – Cross dressing as a young child for sex play
Infibulation – Arousal from mutilation of one’s own genitals
Ipserotic – Narcissism
Jactitation – Arousal from talking to others about their own sexual exploits
Juvenilism – Dressing or acting the role of a juvenile, sometimes sexual
Kleptolagnia – Arousal from stealing
Klismaphilia – Arousal from giving or receiving an enema
Knismolagnia – Arousal from tickling
Lactaphillia – Arousal from lactating breasts
Lygerastia – Arousal from darkness
Macrogenitalism – Arousal from large genitals
Maieusiophilia – Arousal from pregnant women
Mammagymnophilia – Arousal from female breast
Martymachlia – Group sex
Mascholphilous – Arousal from armpits
Masochism – Arousal from having pain inflicted on oneself
Matrincest – Sexual action with one’s mother
Matronolagnia – Arousal from an older female partner
Mazoperosis – Mutilation of breasts
Melolagnia – Arousal from music
Menophilist – Arousal from menstruating women
Merinthophilia – Arousal from being bound
Miscegenation – Sex between races
Mizoscopia – Arousal from seeing others in coitus
Moriaphilia – Arousal from telling sexual jokes
Morphophilia – Arousal from a person with a different physique
Mysophilia – Sexual interest in filth,
Nanophilia – Sexual Attraction to a short partner
Nasophilia – Arousal to noses
Naphephilia – Arousal from being touched or touching
Narcissism – self love
Narratophilia – Arousal from discussing sex with others
Nasolingus – Arousal from sucking the nose of a partner
Necrochlesis – Sex with a female corpse
Necrophilia – Arousal from sex with the dead
Neophilia – Arousal from novelty or change
Normophilia – Arousal by acts considered normal by their religion or society
Nosolagnia – Arousal from knowing partner has a terminal illness
Ochlophilia – Arousal from being in a crowd
Oculophilia – Arousal from eyes
Oculotictus – Licking a partner’s eyeball
Odaxelangnia – Arousal from biting
Odontophilia – Arousal from teeth
Omolagnia – Arousal from nudity
Ondinisme – Arousal from urine
Ophidiophilia – Arousal from snakes
Ordune – Arousal from photographs of sex
Osculocentric – Arousal from kissing
Osphresiolagnia – Arousal from rank odors
Pageism – A male submitting to a female
Paraphilia – Sexual arousal in response to unusual objects or situations
Parascopism – Voyeurism, like through bedroom windows
Parthenophilia – Sexual desire for virgins
Patrolagnia – Sex with one’s own father
Pecattiphilia – Arousal from sinning
Pediophilia – Arousal from dolls
Pedophilia – Arousal from young children
Phallophilia – Arousal from large penises
Phlebotomy – Arousal from bloodletting
Phobophilia – Arousal from hate or fear
Phygephilia – Arousal from being a fugitive
Pictophilia - Arousal from pictures, movies or video with a sexual nature
Picquerism – Sexual gratification from repeated stabbings or wounding of another person
Pluralism – Arousal from engaging in sex with groups
Podophilia – Arousal from feet
Psycholagny – Arousal from psychic or mental stimulation
Psychrophilia – Arousal from being cold
Psychrophilia – Arousal from cold weather
Pubephilia – Arousal from pubic hair
Pygophilemania – Arousal from kissing buttocks
Pygophilia – Arousal from coming in contact with buttocks
Pygotripsis – Arousal from rubbing buttocks
Pyrophilia – Arousal from fire
Raptophilia – Arousal from only raping a victim
Renifleur – Arousal from the smell of urine or sniffing underwear
Retifism – Arousal from shoes
Rhobdophilia – Arousal from being flagellated
Sadism – Arousal from inflicting pain on others
Salirophilia – Arousal by ingesting human sweat or saliva
Sarmassophilia – Arousal from kneading flesh
Scopophilia – Arousal from being stared at
Scoptolagnia – Arousal from looking at the genitals of the opposite sex
Siderodromophilia – Arousal from trains
Sitophilia – Arousal from food
Sleeping Princess Syndrome – Arousal from those that appear to be sleeping or are asleep
Somnophilia – Arousal from fondling strangers in their sleep
Sororilagnia – Sex with one’s own sister
Spectrophilia – Arousal from images in mirror
Sthenolagnia – Arousal from demonstrations of strength or muscle
Stigmatiphilia – Arousal from a partner whom is stigmatized (tattoo’s, piercings, scars)
Strabismus – Arousal from the eyes of a partner
Stupprator – Male aroused by virgins
Symphorophilia – Arousal from arranging a disaster
Tantaloglagnia – Arousal from teasing
Taphephilia – Arousal from being buried alive
Teledildonics – Arousal from computer sex games
Thalpotentiginy – Arousal from heat
Thesauromania – Compulsion to collect object or clothing belonging to females
Thlipsosis – Arousal from pinching others
Thygatria – Sex between father and daughter
Timophilia – Arousal from gold or wealth
Tithiolagnia – Arousal from nursing
Transvestophilia – Arousal from cross dressing
Traumaphilia – Arousal from wounds or trauma
Trichophilia – Arousal from hair
Tripsolagnia – Arousal from having hair shampooed
Trisophilia – Arousal from massage
Troilism – Arousal from being a third party in a sex scene
Undinism – Arousal from water
Vampirism – Arousal from consuming blood
Vicilangnia – Arousal from bondage
Voyerism – Arousal from seeing people in the nude or in sexual acts
Xenolimia – Arousal from strangers
Zelophilia – Arousal from being jealousy
Zoophilia – Arousal from sex with animals
These are just a few of the Fetishes, Paraphilias and just plain freaky things I have found out there. There are thousands of interesting words that you may enjoy looking up, expand your mind and your vocabulary.