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Bidding of Trust

Author: Dragonkeeper

Filed in: femdom, auction, teasing

Mistress stopped the car and then came around to unfasten my seatbelt. I looked up to her, knowing I would pay for mistake later and then I averted my eyes as my mistress has trained to do. She smirked and reached under the cloak and pinched an exposed nipple. My pussy was soaking the whole trip from her house and even before that and to make sure I never touched myself for the hour trip, she cuffed my hands to the leather belt and strapped me in.

I naturally winced and she sported a Cheshire cat smile. Lady Olivia helped me out of her car and attached the leash to my collar. The night was a little chilly for me even covered in the cloak, but then a wind blew up my cloak more than once. I had to walk across the wet parking lot in my new 5 inch heels, leashed and my arms forced to my sides. She lead to me to the back door of the club and walked my inside.

I had been taken to a table occupied a corseted domme, who I had seen before at one of my mistresses parties, a Hispanic woman who called herself, Contessa Rosalinda, and has a small harem of men and women. The two exchanged information about me. Then my mistress had to sign a Dom/mes Contract, and then I was led to a special room where other submissives, male and female waited with me for this group function. I was nervous as my lady released the leash and kissed me on the cheek.

She smiled and said warmly, “Good luck, my pet. I am proud of you.”

Then turned to the man dressed in a tuxedo and whispered a few words to him before she left the room.

Even though I trusted her with my life and heart, I still was worried about she said to him. Then I wondered why I agreed to do this in the first place. But I did this for her, for friends, and for me.

Then the man in the tuxedo, whom I never had seen before at any of the play parties, munches, or bar meets, looked at his watch and announced, “It’s nine o’clock, time for the party to begin, lads and lasses.”

We all looked at each other. Julian, Mistress Skye’s boi almost jumped out of his seat. He was young and new to all this and I think he did this to keep her happy. His mistress always has him dressed in feminine outfits, even in public. Tonight, he was sitting in a pink thong. But as I looked in to his hazel colored eyes, I could see who scared he really was especially with Master Spider and Domina Araknia in the seats. Of course, this was their club that they generously donated for tonight’s fundraiser.

Laura, Master Stone’s submissive hung her head and I couldn’t tell if she was preparing herself or not for what will happen tonight. And kneeling next to her was Roger, Mistress Carla’s slave boy, straight and tall with head lowered, dressed in black leather thong and oiled up. Lady Minh had both her submissives, Pepper and Jason; although Jason had recently made her full time house slave, ready for tonight. (I did like Pepper in her red corset.)

There was others for other groups in the area, a few I have met at play parties; a few new that I have never met before. And we all knelt on the padded floor and waited. Finally, we ordered to stand and move to behind the curtain and kneel and wait while the tuxedoed guy stepped though the curtain, leaving us to the two leather guys to watch over us.

“Masters and Mistresses and all in between, I’d like to thank everyone for coming tonight. We have five different groups tonight, the Iron Chains, Leather Thorns, the Rural Area Dominants and Submissives, Metro Area Mistresses and Submissives, and our hosting group; DeSade’s Forum and Master Spider and Domina Araknia would like to thank you all for coming to this fundraiser.”

The crowd enthusiastically cheered, letting the master of ceremonies to breath. “Let’s give them a hand to donating the use of their club tonight for this activity. Not many people would close a stripclub on a Thursday night.”

The applause faded and the MC continued, “It is all agreed that all participants tonight have consented to this and that all dominants have agreed to respect all limits of the submissive they purchase and that all have agreed to a set time of Friday evening to Sunday evening of whatever weekend that is agreed on from both parties.

“Whatever happens tonight, remember; we are doing this for the victims of the hurricanes, so tonight, let’s have fun and respect the willing participants.”

The cheering rose again and then MC spoke again. “We have twenty-five submissives tonight so we better started. First on the docket is Kathy, owned by Master Felix of Iron Chains from the east side. Kathy is a submissive in a poly relationship and has bi tendencies. Her limits include body wastes, blood, breathe play. She does love wax play and nipple torment, rope bondage, and electro-play, and just started training in equestrian play. The bidding begins at twenty.”



The bidding continued until the final bid was one hundred to Master Royce from Leather Horizons. All I could do was listen.

“Next we have wolf cub, a full time house slave to Lady Megan from MAMS. Wolf cub also works in constructions and works on equipment and dungeons for Lady Megan as well as cooks and cleans. He worships women and trained for service to women, including strap-on and anal worship.

Wolf cub was bid on quickly ending at two hundred and twenty-five to Mistress Eboni and she is a SADIST who would make the Marquis DeSade proud. One would think that one her past lives from the Spanish Inquisition awaked in a strong African-American body.

I panicked when I heard the next name.

A large leather guard lifted me, surprisingly, gently, and escorted me on the stage and down the runway to the round stage and the pole. I couldn’t see much with lights in my eyes but I could make out my mistress sitting and talking to another dominant

“Next we have, phoenix, which is submissive to Mistress Rhiannon of DeSade’s Forum. Phoenix’s hard limits include needle and knife play and is experienced in equestrian play, pet play, wax, breath, and golden showers.”

Golden showers? That was once and mistress very drunk and it was an accident. Wasn’t it?

I did hate needles and blood. One time I freaked out when another mistress and her sub demonstrated menstrual service. But Mistress calmly took me in her arms and sat with on the floor in another room and calmed me down. She swore she would never try that with ever. I kept apologizing to her about the way I behaved that night and would do anything to make it up to her.

That woman is here tonight and already bid fifty dollars on me. I was praying for someone else.

I received two bids from masters, but Sir Elliot finally bought me at two-hundred dollars. I never thought I would be worth that much to anyone, although Mistress does think I’m priceless.

Sir Elliot came up to the stage and attached a leash to me and made sure I did not fall down. I had to follow him through the crowd to his table. He was facing my mistress and I lowered my eyes as they talked about me and the last thing I heard was, “Sure she will be ready to serve you this weekend.”

I raised eyes and gasped, “Tomorrow?”

I could tell she not pleased with my reaction. But she smiled sweetly at Sir Elliot when he handed her my leash and as soon he left, she scowled and I know I pay for what I did. She pulled me in to the woman’s bathroom and took me a stall. I was forced to kneel and watch her reach under her skirt and remove her black satin panties. She forced her panties into my mouth and roughly bent me over the toilet so my hands were supporting me on the toilet seat. She unfastened her leather belt and growled at me.

“You keep your eyes down!”

She worked her belt on my ass several time and pulled me up be my hair. She would never get upset with me like this before. I had faced her with tears in my eyes. The burning on my ass didn’t feel as bad as the shame I felt for disappointing her in front someone and I just realized that is why she is very angry with me. She had been proud of me and bragging me up to her peers tonight and in front of the man who bought me, I failed her training.

I failed her.

I had to face this fact as I knelt with my burning ass resting on my legs and her panties in her mouth, by her chair for the rest of the auction. My sorrow heavy in my chest and I was no longer a person, but a bad pet or a useless object set aside.

I want to please her and she knows this, yet I am being punished and can say nothing to her until I am acknowledged to. I hope it will be soon.

She glared down at me and pulled her panties from my mouth. I turned my head away by she held my chin firmly and stared intently into my eyes.

“I hope you have learned your lesson, slut. I bragged about well disciplined you are and you did what you did. I’m getting over being upset with you, but still you have to earn my pleasure with you before I hand you at five o’clock tomorrow. I promised you and you will obey him as you obey me.”

“Yes, mistress.” I muttered. “This girl is sorry for offending you, mistress.”

She kissed me and smiled. “Let’s go home, my pet. You have please me and get the house ready for my purchase this weekend.”

The cool air felt good blowing my cloak and cooling my ass in short spurts as I walked across the parking lot to her Jeep Wrangler and let me in first before she got in. I thought she was going to attach me to something like she does night nights and open my cloak as she des once in awhile, but she decided to let me sit uncuffed in the front seat as we head back through down town to her house in the suburbs.

She was quiet on the trip back. She wouldn’t even put on her music. I guess she needed to think and I needed to think as well. I knew I shouldn’t have responded like I did, but I was caught off guard and I suppose I lost my trust in her for the moment. She had been so patient with me since I first served her three years ago. She never once pushed me in to something I was not ready to do and she felt I was ready for this. I have to live up her expectations fro her and myself. She has always expected me to be at my best with her and without her.

I was also thinking her purchase and I was embarrassed that I could not recognize my mistress’s voice in a crowd. She would have to make the purchase while I was still backstage but I couldn’t help but to wonder who she bought.

Or what she will do with her or him. Is mistress feeling jealous me like I am starting with her? This is only for a weekend, but so much can happen in a day, much less a whole weekend. Will I still feel the same about Mistress Olivia like I do now?

I looked over to her and wondered if she was thinking the same thing about me.

She looked over to me and smiled. She put her hand on my knee as if she was reassuring me about my fears of the future. Her hand didn’t stop at my knee. We turned off at our exit and waited till we got into traffic before my thigh quivered with her touch. I sighed slowly and closed my eyes. My legs spread for her a little more, since my protocol is to have my legs spread and every part of me is accessible to her at anytime.

Now was a good time.

I knew by her touch that was no longer angry at me and that for this moment, everything is going to be okay. She kept fingering on the way home, teasing me and bringing e to the edge and then stopping, never letting me further. My eyes pleaded at her but she was keeping her eye on the road and at long last, we arrived to the two story house.

When we arrived in her driveway, she clipped the leash on to my collar and unclipped my cloak. She pulled me out the jeep and to her front door. I know how late it was but I was still afraid of a neighbor or a patrol car passing by. Mistress Olivia gave me a coy smile and then slipped inside and turned on the porch light, leaving outside, naked, and cold, where I could be seen by anyone.

“Mistress?” I whined softly enough to get her attention and not alert the neighbors to my predicament.

She watched me through the glass door and smiled sadistically. I could see my reflection and I noticed how hard my nipples were.

She opened the door and pulled me inside to the living room. She pulled me to the center of the room and then she went her rattan chair. She sat in her chair and crossed her legs like a queen.

When she did that, I lowered my head and knelt in front o her.

She crooked her finger at me and I crawled to her. She removed the leash and pulled me by my D-ring to her lips.

“You are cold, my pretty.” she whispered, “Get your naked slave girl ass up those stairs to my room and wait for me.”

“Yes, mistress. Gladly.” I whispered back to her.

She kissed me and got up. I hauled my ass up the stair to her bedroom. I use one her guests room during vanilla occasions like a social party but I also have secret room the size of a walk in closet, attached her room.

When she says “Wait for me” I’m supposed to climb under the covers keep my hands above the covers and showing for her. I want to touch myself. I need to cum but my body belongs to her she controls me completely.

Then she appeared in the doorway and stared at me like a banquet. She sauntered over to me. She pulled the covers from me.

I was warmed up and my nipples were still rock hard. I spread my legs for her, wider and bend my knees, show her how wet I was for her.

Stripped from her gown and glided to the dresser and put on her black lace gloves. She came over to me and traced my thigh with her lacy fingers. I put my arms over my head and moaned. I gripped the iron frame, holding myself back fro reaching her and guiding her hand to where I need it the most.

I hate when she teases me.

I love when she teases me.

Her touch is electric and sensual.

I whimper she starts at the knee and traces her finger up my left thigh to just below my pussy. My eyes plead for her to finish me. I want to cum for her and she is going to make me work for it.

“Mistressss!” I hiss. I squirm under her touch more and more. My hands are gripping the cold metal frame. I’m thrashing uncontrollably now.

She stops.

I need her now.

She answers my silent prayer to her with my favorite strap-on and I was gagged, you would have made out my smile.

She was a gentle any woman and but as hard and brutal as any man could be. She knew every part me and knew what I needed, desired, and wanted from her.

She gave everything, to me and for her. My pussy was her to control and she used it. She owned it and I was hers till she released me. She lorded over me, constantly reminding me that my place was under her command, yet it also meant that I also belonged to her and that I should never forget that.

I pray that she never will.

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