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A Strong Man

Author: kaya

Filed in: dominance, slavery, service, m/s

"I want a man who is strong enough to take me," she sighed dreamily. "Confident enough to own me and possess me. Who won't be guided by society but by His own will!" She turned to look at him. "I want a man who will do exactly what he wants."

He nodded and smiled and promised her exactly that. And she nodded and smiled and accepted his word. Visions of a life spent naked and chained.. of worship and adoration.. of service and need.. of training and learning.. of discipline and punishment.. of sex and love and joy and freedom found in bondage colored her eyes.. and she wept in pure happiness to have found such a man as this. A man strong enough and confident enough to do exactly as he wanted.

He was a good man. A kind man. A deep and dark and mysterious man. And she, a loyal and faithful girl. And every time she hinted at those days past, when he had so confidently promised to do exactly what he wanted, he would nod and smile and pat her on the butt. And she would smile back, only slightly puzzled, and convince herself that tomorrow would be the day. Tomorrow he woud do exactly what he wanted and she'd become a real slave.

She spent time in a cage but he took her out and bid her to serve him and she did, thinking to herself that a strong confident man would leave her there. A man who did what he wanted would have a caged slave by now.

He made passionate love to her, and as she wept in orgasmic bliss in his arms, she thought to herself that a strong confident man would have thrown her down and taken her. A man who did what he wanted would have made her a sex slave by now.

He patted her on the rump and bid her to fix his meals and she did, thinking to herself that a strong confident man would have made her serve him naked. A man who did what he wanted would have her on her knees by now.

He dressed her in fine clothes and took her to fine restaurants and she'd follow behind him, eyes cast over her shoulder to the slave cage in the corner.. thinking to herself that a strong confident man would have locked her in there already. A man who did what he wanted would have enslaved her by now.

He took her over his knee and paddled her behind when she made mistakes and she'd whimper as she thought to herself that a strong confident man would have trained her. A man who did what he wanted wouldn't need to punish her by now.

He asked her to do small favors for him and she did, thinking to herself that a strong confident man would have ordered her to do these tasks. A man who did what he wanted wouldn't need to be polite by now.

And time marched on as it tends to do and she waited and waited for him to start doing exactly what he wanted. Days spent cleaning his house, evenings spent at his side, nights spent in his bed and all the while she played the movies of before.. the visions of a life spent naked and chained.. of worship and adoration.. of service and need.. of training and learning.. of discipline and punishment.. of sex and love and joy and freedom found in bondage.

And she turned to him one day and whispered.." what are you doing with me Master?" While fear and confusion and need played in her eyes and on her heart and he smiled into them.. and traced his finger along her cheek and replied;

"I'm doing exactly what I want."

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