Good Morning Master .......This is Your Shoujo Dorei
Author: Lord Anjin's dorei
Filed in: love, service, greeting, respectGood morning Master....this is your shoujo dorei (little girl slave),
she will freely give you what ever you so desire,
her mind, body, and heart is yours to own and charish, to have when ever and where ever you please, she freely does as she's told to please you, she respects and trusts you completely, she fullfills your deepest desires, she will always address you as her Master as this also pleases her to see you smile, she honors you with all of her actions, she wears your collar proudly everyday, she makes sure she listens to every word you speak, she adores serving you totaly and without limits, her heart fludders when you walk in to the room, she kneels at your feet with lowered gaze in respect to you, she serves only you and no one else, her body, mind, and heart belongs to you. love, charish and take good care of this shoujo dorei for she gives you this free gift of her self and her complete submission out of pure love and respect and honor.
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