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Lifestyle Poetry

Lyrical, rhyming and passionate words are a beauty to this Lifestyle. Enter into the creative muse, the mind of submissives and Dominants alike. Find just the right words to express how you are feeling from someone who was able to use their inner voices.

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The Masochist Ode #2

Author: Pantheris

Filed in: ode, unknown, madness, bound

...and I never once utter
a protest however
subtle or vehement
when you take your leave,
but it is true
that I diminish along with you
when you must recede elsewhere.

Between us, there are depths that
become unknown caverns to others,
the types of occasions
that they can classify only
as madness.

We are surely the only ones
that explore those places
for we have created them
as other places have been
dreamt and built by
other Masters, other slaves.
For I am the shackled one that refuses
escape, tied to your hands
that tender my flame.

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