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I am a Submissive Woman

Author: Pure Devl

Filed in: submission, love, beauty, happiness, common sense

I am a submissive woman look through my eyes and see who I really am. I am strong, independent, bright,witty, beautiful and a lot like you. Can you see it? Do you understand it? Come with me and ill show you the things I am and the things I need. I am sometimes an enigma, sometimes an oxymoron of what the world perceives me to be.

My strength comes from inside me, it always has been there. I've used it for years and I still use it when I have to. It just gets so tiring being the strong one all the time. I've used it to survive all of life's tragedies and dilemmas. I've been the silent worrier, the one who needs to make everyone happy, the woman who is a mother to those she never gave birth to, a friend to those she has just met. I am the teacher to those I sometimes don't have answers for, but will search diligently to find them. I am a nurse when someone is sick. An ego builder when others need that boost. Strength?

Can there be anyone who has more strength then I do, me the submissive woman? I am independent. I can pay my own bills, take care of my own life. I'm a survivor at times as well. I somehow find it in within myself to deal with life's everyday problems even when I want to curl up and hide. I work and make decisions all by myself. My body functions all by itself, not in regard to anyone's whims or wants. I clean, I write, I think and I manage my life by myself. I can orgasm by myself, stay afloat financially by myself and solve almost any problem by myself.

I am a very bright and intelligent person. My education comes from books, life's events and from those around me. I thirst to learn, to become smarter. I know how to repair things, not by knowledge that i've studied from a book, but by common sense, by being patient and using my brain to figure things out. I can even put things together designed to drive the sane, insane. I can look into someone's eyes and see their pain and their happiness. I can easily put myself in their shoes and feel what they are feeling even though I may have never been in that place myself. I am a chameleon in a sense. My intelligence allowing me to take me to that place and see what it feels like at times or must feel like without actually being there. My intelligence gives me great perception and I use that gift all the time.

I am witty. I love to laugh, to play, to make you smile. My wit is my greatest asset, for when I lose site of how lucky I am I use it to help me get back to a place where I can laugh at myself and with others. I use it to see how silly my problems seem sometimes compared to others problems. How small I am in the scheme of life and the world. Laughing is what I love to do. My wit is sometimes sharp and stingy. It is sometimes soft and gentle. It is always there for me after I've been hurt or mislead. It is always there after the tears have eased and the pain has started to subside.

I am beautiful. This one is hard for me sometimes to see, myself. So if you aren't seeing it I do understand. Look hard and long, my beauty is there. Its deep inside of me like a flower tightly in bud. Its in my soul and my heart. I'm also beautiful on the outside, because I'm me. If I ever think of myself as not being beautiful on the outside which is where my insecurities lay, all I have to do is look at my hands. Watch their movement, their grace. Realize how lucky I am to have them when others don't, realize how lucky I am to see when others cant. I have all my muscles, my fingers and toes. That has to be beauty, right? But I also realize that if I lost any or all of these things that my true beauty is not measured by what I look like on the outside, but by how I act and how I treat others. Its what I am on the inside that matters always.

I'm a lot like you. I know that sounds odd. You are a Dominant and I'm a submissive. Two sides of the same coin. So different, yet part of a whole. Can a coin exist without two sides? Of course not, it is nothing. I am nothing without you and you are the same without me. We make each other what we are. You are strong and I love when I am able to give my strength to you and allow you the power to become even stronger. You are independent as am I, but I live to become dependent on you. To give up my being forced to make decisions that I want no part of. Decisions that you thrive on making, from where to eat dinner to whatever else you feel is right and in doing this, knowing that you wont take advantage of your power but use it to nurish my gift. I don't need your money, just your voice. You verify me in my decision making and my independence. You are there to talk to about something I know is right but I just need another voice to tell me so.

You are witty, when I'm upset or depressed. You become my strength and help me to realize that laughter is the best medicine. You use your wit to let me know that you love me and cherish me more then anything when I may not want to listen to the voice behind the wit. You help me to laugh at myself sometimes, to see how silly things are that bother me. Your wit feeds mine and together we can make the world laugh and relax.

You are beautiful. Your large hand gently stroking my arm, your tall frame sitting next to me or above me looking into my eyes, smiling at me. What is more beautiful then that? Snuggling with you at night, listening to you breath, feeling your body next to mine is all beauty. Your face, your hands, your heart, your soul abound with beauty and dignity.

You never ask me to give up what I have, you don't take it like a thief in the night, robing me of the essence of my being. I give you what I am because of my need to give it, not because I want to or have to. I give you my strength to nurture, my independence to guide, my intelligence to make us smarter, my wit to help you when you need to laugh and relax and my beauty because you were the one to see it even when I couldn't.

You are a Dominant. I am a submissive. We complete the circle. Like a perfectly round object with no beginning or end. You don't take over who I am, nor I you. We become a part of the whole, breathing life into the other.

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