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A submissive woman is actually a treasured jewel

Author: Freya

Filed in: submission, love, experience

Although I do work outside of the home I still believe in the logic above. I work because Master insists I do. Not for the money, although it does help as raising children is not cheap, but for what he calls Mental Conditioning. While I serve Master in every way, he does not want an "imbecile" for a slave/wife. He insists that I continue to be educated in both books and the world. However, he is quick to remind me of my purpose if I seem a bit "cocky" on a particular day. As my reward, he pampers me with the necessities I need to be the servant he so desires. He also demands that I dress nice (even in jeans and never in sweatpants ), have my hair nice, wear make-up etc. in public and around the house. (Sweatpants are permitted during yoga and dance workouts.)

However, today I want to share with you an incident we both witnessed lately.

Master & I go do the grocery shopping together. He manages the finances, I manage the household lists. We prepare before hand by sorting through the fliers on what is on sale and at what store. However, we almost always do our big shopping monthly run in Lancaster at Carnival Foods (great prices). We like going to Lancaster for the drive away from the city and for the time alone in the car together, our elder children babysit our younger one. I usually crochet on the way down to keep my hands busy. Master will "treat" a lunch out during this time. During the last monthly trip at the 'beginning' of December it turned out to be a learning experience.

While sitting at the table waiting to eat until Master returned I noticed a couple sitting in the table next to us. They were, I'd estimate, around the same age as us. The woman was dressed so sloppy while the man looked like he did clean up to go out. She had on Sweats that were way to big on her, and a t-shirt with a very rude saying on it, no make-up, and actually acted like she didn't even care. Master who always dresses what I call upscale redneck, noticed this as well. (We were at a nicer Buffet restaurant.) But, I look at it as too each his own. Anyway, Master looked at me and smiled and told me that I looked beautiful today. I always blush when I get a compliment. As I stated I waited to begin eating until Master was seated and ready to begin himself. The woman snorted when I asked if I could get him anything to drink since I noticed he hadn't gotten a glass of tea yet. I did of course, and quite honestly her "snort of disgust" opened the doors to my eavesdropping. This "woman" continued to complain about everything and with the most distrubing language. When her husband asked her to please refrain from swearing, her response to him was a F**** Off. Master was beside himself. And looked at me and loudly said, "Thank you for being a lady" to me. I nodded and smiled. This woman could not help calling attention to herself by making comments about how "sad it was today for a woman to wait on a man" and that "men were a waste except for sex". Finally, after about 20 min of this Master looked over and very polietly asked her HUSBAND if they could please hold their conversation down a notch (referring to his wife). He laughed and said, "I'd love to but I've never been able to shut her mouth up." I thought for sure there would be a fight. She got up and stormed out, ordering him to follow. Master laughed so hard I thought for sure his belly would split. After the other man got his coat on, he leaned over to Master and said just loud enough for me to hear "I don't know how you managed to choose such a prize of a woman, but don't ever let her change." He thanked the man and assured him he had no plans to. I blushed.

So you see ladies being submissive to the man in our lives is not something to be ashamed of or to hide or to only show in the bedroom. For we are the jewels of the female world. Wanted, longed for and searched for but very rarely found.

Freya wife and servant to her Master & Husband Thor

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