Links Tagged: General knowledge
Tips For Beginners Visits: 810 | Wizdomme Pages: D/s Help and Information Visits: 331 |
New Age Quest Visits: 271 | Leather and Roses Visits: 343 |
BDSM Backroom The Backroom is a place for people who are interested in the BDSM lifestyle, who are looking for others to exchange experiences and people who are curious what BDSM is about and who want to learn more about it. Visits: 1958 | Ambrosio's BDSM Site Extensive resource for BDSM Visits: 923 |
The Key to Sex-ess by Baadmaster and Naia Visits: 278 | The Ultimate Sex Guide Visits: 385 |
Why BDSM? General Basics about the What? Why? How? of BDSM Visits: 15357 | A D/s Web Center focuses on the alternative lifestyle known as D/s, Domination and submission. This site is dedicated to the premise these things can and should be explored thoughtfully and without doing harm to individuals. Exchanging power or control Visits: 410 |
Informed Consent UK Based BDSM Resource Site Visits: 462 | Sex and the BDSM Scene Essay: Is sex generally a part of BDSM? Visits: 377 |
London Fetish Scene Wipipedia The London Fetish Scene Wipipedia is a on-line encyclopaedia of all things fetish and SM, it is being continually expanded and improved by the community Visits: 576 | Collar by wikipedia Visits: 343 |
The Collar by forestnymph Visits: 431 | Training Collar Visits: 440 |
The Art of SM by Rick Umbaugh The difference between music and S/m, which makes so much of what we do so intense, is that music exists for a mass audience, while we create music for an audience of one. Visits: 342 | Out of the Shadows: How Do You Talk to a Vanilla Partner about BDSM Interests? Visits: 310 |
BDSM Digest BDSM articles, missives, reviews about technique, devices, and all about BDSM lifestyle. For people who are curious what BDSM is about and who want to learn more about it Visits: 467 |