Links Tagged: Play
Songs with BDSM Themes Visits: 344 | Play Party Etiquette Visits: 292 |
Play Party Etiquette Visits: 325 | Hosting Your Own Play Party Visits: 271 |
Playing and Staying Safe Visits: 272 | Pregnancy and BDSM By Hans Meijer Visits: 373 |
Pregnancy and Bondage By Autumn Visits: 393 | Play Nice: Some Notes on Scene Etiquette and Leather Protocol Thorough essay on Leather Protocols. Worth the time to read it. Visits: 356 |
Vibrator Types and Scenes by Mistress Ariachne Visits: 332 | Information on Safer Sex and BDSM Visits: 234 |
Intro to nipple play by silkenluv Visits: 931 | Exhibit B by Baadmaster and Naia I love to show-off my slave, and I really like being kinky in public. I’d like to explore new ways to enjoy D/s with an audience. Do you have any suggestions? Visits: 466 |
Sensation Play by Mistress Ariachne Visits: 313 | Public Play: Be Discreet When Out In Public Public play is growing more and more popular, and can be a wonderful experience for the partners involved. Some scene folk can't resist the urge to play wherever they are, and the thrill of playing where you might get caught is exhilarating. Many people like to play in public with pre-inserted vibrators and butt plugs, as well as fondle various body parts, however, keep in mind that you are in public, and consider the thoughts of people not involved in your scene. Visits: 471 |
Public Play As Theater Visits: 325 | Sex and the BDSM Scene Essay: Is sex generally a part of BDSM? Visits: 377 |
Dungeon Etiquette and Protocol Visits: 298 | Erotic Torture, Teasing and Torment The essence of the game is simple. Any time you have a sexual encounter, he has a random chance of being allowed sexual release, which starts out low and increases over time. The devil is in the details. Visits: 842 |
PaddlesandPleasures PaddlesandPleasures
I am a maker, driven to create, to make instruments, devices which have a purpose yet still must have their own unique beauty. My paddles are an aid to communication, to the transfer of passion and intent. They are crafted to provide a wealth of variations in application and most importantly to do so with control and precision. Visits: 362 |