Links Tagged: Health and safety Visits: 413 | Some Notes on Safety for Meeting Online and Off Visits: 497 |
Safety in BDSM Visits: 270 | Playing and Staying Safe Visits: 272 |
Dangers and Techniques of SM Extensive listing of dangers and techniques of SM Visits: 331 | BDSM Toys and the Risk of Infectious Disease Many people are aware that toys which come in contact with body fluids, such as plugs, gags, and cutting blades, should be carefully disinfected. However, lower-risk toys such as ropes, cuffs, floggers, and paddles are often overlooked. Visits: 311 |
BDSM: General Safety Tips and Common Sense General Safety Tips for beginners Visits: 412 | Sexuality.Org Visits: 282 |
Ambrosio's BDSM Site Extensive resource for BDSM Visits: 923 | Test Your Bondage Safety I.Q. Visits: 355 |
Bondage Techniques Safety First Visits: 477 | Slave Safety: Advice From One Slave To His Brothers Visits: 217 |
Is anal sex safe? Why do people do it? Visits: 553 | Information on Safer Sex and BDSM Visits: 234 |
Potty All the Time by Baadmaster and Naia Visits: 457 | Ambrosio's Health and Safety Pages Diverse and Comprehensive Safety Information Visits: 210 |
D/s Injuries A Comprehensive listing of many injuries that could happen in and out of scene. Visits: 315 | Slave Safety Visits: 427 |
Abuse and Safety in BDSM In any relationship these things can happen: Sexual, Physical, Emotional, Financial, Verbal and Mental ABUSE. Inside the home when someone tries to control you by bullying, bashing, threatening, name calling, harassing, frightening and isolating you, it is called DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. This behavior is not acceptable. IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT. Visits: 463 | Are You Being Abused? Domestic violence is not the same as consensual s/m. Yet, abusive relationships do exist within the leather-s/m community, as with all groups. Unfortunately, due to our sexual orientation, abused persons who are into s/m may suffer additional isolation and may hesitate to turn to available resources for fear of rejection or of giving credence to stereotypes. Visits: 441 |
Safer SM Visits: 336 | Safe Visits: 195 |
National Leather Association - Domestic Violence Project he vision of the NLA-I Domestic Violence Project is to create a national and international network to provide information, appropriate referrals, resources, and safe shelters for those in the world community who have been subjected to abusive and violent BDSM relationships and who are seeking a way out of those relationships or who require a more extensive support network than is otherwise available to them. Visits: 351 | Blackstar Premier technical website on body piercing. Visits: 248 |