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All Quotes by J. Mikael Togneri

#195   + (-3) - [X]

Tagged: submission, ritual, sex, sacrament

The BDSM ritual may be predominantly sexual in expression, however the goal is not gratification per se, but ecstasy. BDSM is, above and beyond a physical need, the psyche's effort to make sex a sacrament. Only through the understanding and acceptance of the sacramental value of submission will slavehood be true. By the same token, of course, it also becomes holy. -- J. Mikael Togneri

#197   + (28) - [X]

Tagged: submission, spiritual, nature, symbiotic

A slave submits primarily to her own nature… That she requires a material, extrovert focus for her submission, i.e. the dominant, does not alter the fact that on the spiritual level her submission is essentially introverted. One could say that through the dominant she submits to herself by proxy… Each makes the other possible, tied together as they are in symbiotic interdependence. -- J. Mikael Togneri

#199   + (81) - [X]

Tagged: calling, slave, vocation

Slavehood is a vocation, comparable and equal in every way to any religious calling. -- J. Mikael Togneri