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Quotes & Quotations

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Quotes Tagged: Nature

#76   + (16) - [X]

Tagged: nature, crime

It is certainly no crime to depict the bizarre ideas that nature inspires. -- Marquis De Sade

#148   + (21) - [X]

Tagged: nature, crime

It is certainly no crime to depict the bizarre ideas that nature inspires. -- Marquis De Sade

#186   + (25) - [X]

Tagged: service, good, nature, peace, success

If I have been of service, if I have glimpsed more of the nature and essence of ultimate good, if I am inspired to reach wider horizons of thought and action, if I am at peace with myself, it has been a successful day. -- Alex Noble

#197   + (26) - [X]

Tagged: submission, spiritual, nature, symbiotic

A slave submits primarily to her own nature… That she requires a material, extrovert focus for her submission, i.e. the dominant, does not alter the fact that on the spiritual level her submission is essentially introverted. One could say that through the dominant she submits to herself by proxy… Each makes the other possible, tied together as they are in symbiotic interdependence. -- J. Mikael Togneri