Random Quotes
Ultimately, the purpose of a flogging is to inflict pleasure. -- Mitch Kessler
I bend, but I do not break. -- Jean de La Fontaine
Only a life lived in the service to others is worth living. -- Albert Einstein
Tagged: pleasure
One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other. -- Jane Austen
Tagged: woman, man, dirty talk
When a man talks dirty to a woman, it's sexual harassment. When a woman talks dirty to a man, it's $3.95 a minute. -- Unknown
Tagged: fear
'Come to the edge', he said.
They said, 'We are afraid'.
'Come to the edge', he said.
They came.
He pushed them...
And they flew. -- Guillaume Apollinaire
You gave me the key of your heart, my love; Then why did you make me knock?" "Oh that was yesterday, saints above! And last night- I changed the lock! -- John Boyle O'Reilly
Tagged: dominance, submission, will
Submission depends on the individual's ability to align his will with that of the dominant and use his intelligence to fulfill her wishes gracefully and efficiently. -- Christina Abernathy
Tagged: sex, proverb, creative
Be creative; invent a sexual perversion. -- Graffito
Tagged: submission, consent, control, dynamic, illusion
The Power exchange that occurs within a D/s dynamic is essentially an illussion! The submissive always retains the power of consent, and the only power the Dominant truly has are those gifted to them by their submissive, and only within the confines of that negotiagted dynamic. -- Father Mark (bdsmgallery.org)
Tagged: torture, pleasure, body
The body is both a pleasure palace and a torture chamber. -- Charles Levin
Tagged: force, heart, sexual urges
Feelings that originate in the human genitalia are among the most powerful forces on earth. They have a complex relationship with the feelings that stem from the human heart; at various times in competition or in harmony... One of the supreme goals of spiritual work is to harness the sexual urges in service to the heart's wisdom. -- Rob Brezsny
Tagged: woman, protection, man, equal
Woman was created from Man's rib; Not made from His head to top Him; Nor from His feet to be trampled; But from His side to be His equal, Under His arm to be protected, And near His heart to be loved. -- Unknown
The first and the best victory is to conquer self. -- Plato
Tagged: leader, woman, possessed
I do not want to be the leader. I refuse to be the leader. I want to live darkly and richly in my femaleness. I want a man lying over me, always over me. His will, his pleasure, his desire, his life, his work, his sexuality the touchstone, the command, my pivot. I don't mind working, holding my ground intellectually, artistically; but as a woman, oh, God, as a woman I want to be dominated. I don't mind being told to stand on my own feet, not to cling all that I am capable of doing but I am going to be pursued, fucked, possessed by the will of a male at his time, his bidding. -- Anais Nin
Tagged: love, ownership, soul, yours
All my soul follows you, love encircles you and I live in being yours. -- Robert Browning
You know what charm is: a way of getting the answer yes without having asked a clear question. -- Albert Camus
To be sensual, I think, is to respect and rejoice in the force of life, of life itself and so to be present in all that one does, from the effort of loving to the breaking of bread. -- James Baldwin
Tagged: slavery, study, patience, learning
A slave's life is mostly composed of patience and study. Yes, study. If not with actual books, then following the example of greater, senior slaves. Or learning every nuance of their owner's character, so that they can more completely and seamlessly offer themselves at the right time and in the right manner. -- Laura Antoniou
Tagged: submission, kneeling
There are a hundred ways to kneel and kiss the ground. -- Rumi
Tagged: sex, orgasm, penetration
The moment of greatest significance in love-making is not the moment of orgasm. It is rather the moment of entrance, the moment of penetration... This is the moment that shakes us, that has within it the great wonder, tremendous and tremulous as it may be- or disappointing and despairing, which says the same thing from the opposite point of view. -- Rollo May
Tagged: kneeling
On my knees I think clearer. -- U2
Tagged: life
Ordinary life does not interest me. I seek only the high moments. I am in accord with the surrealists, searching for the marvelous. -- Anais Nin
Tagged: service, good, nature, peace, success
If I have been of service, if I have glimpsed more of the nature and essence of ultimate good, if I am inspired to reach wider horizons of thought and action, if I am at peace with myself, it has been a successful day. -- Alex Noble
Tagged: service, worth, price, work, self-sacrifice
For anything worth having one must pay the price; and the price is always work, patience, love, self-sacrifice--no paper currency, no promises to pay, but the gold of real service. -- John Burroughs
The wonder of being a slave, as you put it, isn't that we serve when it suits us but rather that we serve always. -- Unknown
Arousal is a miracle... Don't try to hide it. [It is] an unsolicited endorsement, a standing ovation, a spontaneous demonstration -- Playboy
No lover, if he be of good faith, and sincere, will deny he would prefer to see his mistress dead than unfaithful. -- Marquis De Sade
Tagged: spanking, torture, poetry
Look, if you want to torture me, spank me, lick me, do it. But if this poetry shit continues just shoot me now please. -- Lori Petty
Tagged: woman, man, clothes, fantasies
What a man enjoys about a woman's clothes are his fantasies of how she would look without them. -- Brendan Francis
Everyone is a potential naked slave to you once you become a trainer. -- Anne Rice
Tagged: bdsm, difference, kinky, spiritual
A riding crop and a blindfold doesn't make it BDSM. There is a big difference between being kinky and being in the scene. It's not a sexual thing to me, it's a very spiritual thing. -- DominaBlue
If loving you makes a slave of me, then I'll spend my whole life in chains. -- Sophie B. Hawkins
Tagged: dominance, consent, bottom, job
The number one job of the dominant is to continually seduce consent
from the bottom. -- Joseph Bean
A 'working' bottom--one who is actively putting the Top's 'work' to joyful use--has liberty where he or she imagined limits. -- Joseph W. Bean
Tagged: intention, expectation
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be. -- Douglas Adams
Thou art to me a delicious torment. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Tagged: power exchange, Dom Space, transcendence
This notion is at least one explanation of what we call the power exchange. It is also the reason that so many of us feel the sharp focus of illumination as we come away from a successful scene. DomSpace is less physical than the experience of subspace and considerably subtler, but it is every bit as powerful as the experience of subspace. So, what we are after in this exceptional act of passion and cruelty we call a scene is that oneness, that transcendence which is the same goal as religion, which is the same goal as vanilla sex. -- Rick Umbaugh
Tea! thou soft, thou sober, sage, and venerable liquid,... thou female tongue-running, smile-smoothing, heart-opening, wind-tippling cordial, to whose glorious insipidity I owe the happiest moment of my life, let me fall prostrate. -- ~Colley Cibber, Lady's Last Stake
Tagged: beauty
Beauty isn't everything! But then what is? -- Sanford Wilson
Tagged: orgasm, fake, failure, injustice
Women fake orgasm if they really care about the man because they don't want him to feel a sense of failure. I think it's really a kind thing that women do. But they're probably doing themselves an injustice, because probably, if they could get over it, if they didn't fake it, and they learned how to relax, they would probably have their orgasm. Some men aren't good enough to give it to you. -- Annie Flanders
The flesh is aye fairest that's farthest from the bone. -- Scottish Proverb
Tagged: discipline, suffer, pain
We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret or disappointment. -- Jim Rohn
Love does not dominate; it cultivates. -- Goethe
Tagged: ritual, fear, pain, lust
There are rituals of lust and joy and pain and fear. These, forced to extremes, meld in the mind, and in that melding they may make or dissolve our egos, bodies, or spirits. -- Raven Greywalker (Lilith)
There are thorns everywhere, but along the path of vice, roses bloom above them. -- Marquis De Sade
Tagged: dominance, submission
It's the submissives that show to others what type of Dom owns them. -- Anonymous
Tagged: cherry trees
I want to do with you
What spring does
With the cherry trees. -- Pablo Neruda
Tagged: whips, rhyme, chains, excitement, affection
Sticks and Stones may break my bones but Whips and Chains excite me. So slam me up and throw me down and show me that you like me! -- Unknown
Tagged: submission
Submission is not about being used, submission is about being of use. submission is not about what is done to you, submission is about what you do for others " "Strong men simply need women. This will never be understood by weak men. A strong man needs a woman at his feet, who is truly his. Anything else is less than his fulfillment. -- Unknown