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Quotes Tagged: Power exchange

#196   + (-28) - [X]

Tagged: power exchange, Dom Space, transcendence

This notion is at least one explanation of what we call the power exchange. It is also the reason that so many of us feel the sharp focus of illumination as we come away from a successful scene. DomSpace is less physical than the experience of subspace and considerably subtler, but it is every bit as powerful as the experience of subspace. So, what we are after in this exceptional act of passion and cruelty we call a scene is that oneness, that transcendence which is the same goal as religion, which is the same goal as vanilla sex. -- Rick Umbaugh

#198   + (3) - [X]

Tagged: submission, masochism, gifts, power exchange

A submissive washing dishes for his dominant, knowing that each soap bubble, each swirl of water is a gift, an honoring, may feel the humming resonance of a hunger, partially satisfied, deep in his spirit. A domme, caught up in the meditative precision of tying each knot precisely *so*, may feel an echo of cathedral walls around her, each motion guiding her, and those around her closer to the God they seek. A masochist, floating in the scintillations of painwaves as the whip falls against her time and time again, may begin to feel their cadence as the cadence of prayer. A hesitant sadist may, with the first hissing of his partner's breath, begin to understand the transformative power he wields with his strap. -- Unknown