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Quotes & Quotations

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Quotes Tagged: Bondage

#21   + (3) - [X]

Tagged: bondage

How blessed am I in this discovering thee
To enter in these bonds is to be free. -- John Donne

#22   + (13) - [X]

Tagged: bondage

If ever thou be'st bound in thy scarf and beaten, thou shalt find what it is to be proud of thy bondage. -- William Shakespeare

#24   + (-3) - [X]

Tagged: bondage, familiar

Once you familiarize yourself with the chains of bondage, you prepare your own limbs to wear them. -- Abraham Lincoln

#145   + (55) - [X]

Tagged: bondage, discipline, trust

In a sense, you will find that it does not matter what stance you take in bondage and discipline games. Either role done well transcends into the other, and to be done well both require trust. -- Lady Ravinia

#151   + (20) - [X]

Tagged: bondage, liberty

Most welcome, bondage, for thou art a way, I think, to liberty. -- William Shakespeare

#169   + (23) - [X]

Tagged: submission, bondage

I'm not averse to being tied up - I like a man to take charge. There's something very sexy about being submissive. -- Eva Longoria