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Quotes Tagged: Proverb
#93 + (46) - [X]
Tagged: penis, proverb
A standing prick has no conscience. -- English Proverb
#103 + (226) - [X]
Tagged: proverb, flesh
The flesh is aye fairest that's farthest from the bone. -- Scottish Proverb
#113 + (43) - [X]
Tagged: proverb, lips, hips
Free of her lips, free of her hips. -- English Proverb
#117 + (221) - [X]
Tagged: woman, proverb
A woman's "No" is said with one mouth only. -- Proverb
#123 + (24) - [X]
Tagged: sex, proverb, creative
Be creative; invent a sexual perversion. -- Graffito