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Speech Training 3: Addressing Superiors

Author: Norische

Filed in: training, speech

When addressing a superior remember never to assume anything. When first meeting an individual ask how he or she wishes to be addressed…for example"

"Please forgive me, I do not know how you wish to be addressed"
"I apologize, I am unfamiliar with the way that you wish to be addressed."

This will show that you take nothing for granted and that you do not wish to make a uniformed mistake and perhaps offend anyone.

If you are unable to make such a request, for example there may be some individuals around that are not within the lifestyle then I suggest the old standard of addressing someone as either Ma'am or Sir, until told to do otherwise.

When in a general public setting each owner will have a preference to the way they wish to be addressed. Some will allow the slave to use their first name, some will allow the slave to address them as Mr. or Mrs. and some prefer the more polite form of Ma'am and Sir.

The manner in which I suggest is that the slave use Ma'am and Sir when in a public setting, and maintain a low tone of speech unless directed to do otherwise. A slave should never raise his or her voice, nor have a tone of annoyance or impatience in their voice.

The proper thing way for a slave to present himself or herself for introduction is slightly complicated.

This position is used when a slave is waiting for introduction. This position is proper to use both privately as well as publicly.

For this position the slave should be standing.

Feet: Feet should be approximately shoulder width apart.

Legs: Legs should be kept strait but not stiff.

Back: Back should be strait, not bowed or slouching.

Chest: The chest should be high and thrust forward.

Arms: Arms should be at the side, bent at the elbow, with the hands behind the back.

Hands: Hands should be behind the back, resting in the small of the back, with the right hand holding onto the left wrist, left hand may be relaxed but not closed.

Head: Head should be bowed slightly.

Eyes: Eyes should be cast down, the slave should look no higher that the shoulders of the superior, until told to do otherwise. A slave should never assume that the superior wishes direct eye contact, in fact it is always preferred that the slave assume that the restrictions are quite strenuous and behave accordingly.

The slave must then wait for acknowledgment. The slave should not fidget, clear his or her throat or attempt to get the superiors attention in any manner… if the superior wishes to acknowledge the slave then he or she will. The only time that it would be appropriate for a slave to attempt to get the superiors attention is if he or she is following the instructions of another. Such as "Go tell Dean that there is someone I wish him to meet, and do it quickly…" The slave has been given the directive of speed; hence he or she was given permission to gain the attention of the superior.

After a slave has been acknowledged, the slave should then make the appropriate statement…

"Begging your pardon Sir, I am unaware of how you wished to be addressed."

Upon receiving instructions on how to proceed, the slave will then state something to the affect of…

"Thank you Master Dean Sir, I have been sent to request your presence, if it is convenient for you Sir."

Remember above all else, no one will ever fault a slave for having too good of manners, only if their manners are lacking in some way.

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