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Choose Your Words Carefully II: Nude VS Naked

Author: Norische

Filed in: training, speech

Within the vanilla world there are many words that we use without consideration. Words that seem ordinary within one realm gain quite a different meaning within the realm of BDSM. Simple words that are very similar in meaning can be worlds apart in definition within the safe haven of a dungeon.

Another such interesting pair is the words "nude" and "naked". Again they are very similar in definition if one chose to review the standard definition. Basically the general population views the meaning of both words to be "void of clothing or covering". However within the BDSM realm these words are worlds apart in definition.

Nude has a standard meaning of being "unclothed". While naked commonly means "as when you were born". Hence if a Mistress orders you to be nude, the proper response would be to strip all clothing and coverings from your person. If the Mistress orders you to be naked then you should remove all clothing, and coverings, as well as any jewelry, hair adornments, shoes, glasses or contacts, and chastity devices. The only exceptions to this general rule are body piercings and the collar. On those two items it is best for the slave/submissive to ask if the Mistress wishes those items to be removed as well, or to request clarification.

When you wish a specific behavior to occur you must use specific words. Never assume that an individual will know the exactly what you mean unless you define the words you choose to use, and exactly what they mean to you.

As with everything this is my opinion, take what you will and leave the rest. If you wish to contact me, my email address is If you wish to see more of my work you may find a complete listing of all my writings at…. in the files section.


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