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Speech Training 8: Asking A Question

Author: Norische

Filed in: training, speech

A slave must never be afraid to ask a question; however, to ask a question in an inappropriate manner is not to be tolerated.

The first thing that a slave must understand is that many Owners do not allow for the slave to question any order, unless of course they need clarification on the order itself or some detail of the order. To question why an order is given is inappropriate and an unacceptable behavior. It is not the position of a slave to know why an Owner wishes something done, nor is it the slave's privilege to question the Owner's motives behind a behavior.

The only time that a slave may question the behaviors or order of an Owner is….

…if the order countermands a previous order given by the Owner.
…if the order places the Owner or the slave at risk.
…if the order places another individual at risk.
…if the order is illegal or may have legal ramifications to the Owner or the slave.
…if the order breaks the contract or agreement between the Owner and the slave.
…if the order will cause undue emotional, mental or physical stress to the slave.

If there is a need for clarification to an order the slave may ask for such clarification without fear of repercussions.

When a slave wishes to ask a question he or she must first get the Owner's attention.

The only valid reason for a slave to interrupt an Owner is if it is an emergency.

The proper way to get the Owner's attention is to patiently wait within the Owner's line of sight until acknowledged. If the Owner does not acknowledge the slave within a reasonable time frame and time is of an essence the slave may respectfully address the Owner.

For example:

"Forgive the intrusion Sir, if I may be so bold…you stated that you wished steak for dinner tonight, may I ask if you have a preference to the type of steak or its preparation?"


"My apologies Sir, did you wish me to lay out your clothes prior to getting your breakfast started?"

Both examples are done with respect, without hesitation or small talk and are precise to the knowledge required by the slave.

There are exceptions of course to the formal means of asking a question, for example…

"Is there any thing I can get you Sir?"

There are also more formal means of asking a question, for example the appropriate manner to ask a question when one is trained in the Oriental style would be more like this…

"Please forgive this worthless creature for interrupting your most esteemed self. I beg that my ignorance does not shame my most honorable Master. I am ashamed that my ignorance is inconveniencing you in any manner, but I must beg for clarification on a command given to this worthless creature. Please I beg you Master, if you so desire and that I may serve you to the best of my ability, please inform me how you wish your slave to dress for the dinner party tonight?" Normally a question presented in such a formal manner is done so while the slave is on his or her knees with head bowed in humility.

A formal question should always start with an apology… something simple as not to waste the Owner's time would be preferable. For example…

…excuse me
…pardon me
…I am sorry Sir/Ma'am

The slave should then wait for acknowledgement from the Owner. Once the Owner acknowledges the slave's presence the slave should be precise and direct, speaking clearly and with respect.

If the slave wishes for extra clarification he or she may repeat the Owner's answer to his or her question once an answer is given. If the slave still is unclear of the answer then he or she may rephrase the question or state specifically that he or she does not understand.

Do keep in mind that a slave that questions to frequently may leave the impression that he or she is inexperienced, or is not confident in their own actions to follow through on a command. Make sure that a question is necessary before asking it, however it is always more desirable to ask a question than it is to make a foolish mistake.

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