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Dog Collars are So 90's

Author: Norische

Filed in: collars

There are several different types of collars within the BDSM community, each one with a unique set of requirements, expectations, and rituals. Within the European Council and the Oriental Society there are two basic forms of collars, a slave collar and a training collar. While these traditions are historically noted there are several other forms of collars that have made themselves know in the past decade.

Types of Collars:

The Formal or Slave Collar
This is the most basic type of collar; this is the collar of ownership. The slave collar signifies that the relationship between the Dominant and slave/sub is formal. They have accepted the responsibilities, the requirements and the commitment that this collar symbolized. This collar is not only for those involved in the relationship but it is also there for all those within the lifestyle to see that the bearer of this collar is now owned and belongs to someone else; the significance of this collar would be relative to a wedding ring within the vanilla world.

One thing that should be pointed out is that this collar is always the property of the Dominant and if for any reason the situation is altered and the arrangement is broken then the collar is to remain with the Dominant.

The Training Collar

A training collar is given to an individual that is undergoing training to expand their service or position in the BDSM realm. This collar may or may not involve an ownership status, what is most important about this collar is that the individual wearing this collar is under the care and guidance of another and that in order to approach this individual you must first go through the trainer.

Most of the time this collar is reserved for slaves or submissives, but I myself wore such a collar while I was being trained to be a Mistress. There are some styles within the BDSM realm that require an individual to serve as a slave for a given amount of time before the individual will be considered capable to have a slave of his or her own. The common frame of reference is “How can you ask someone to do something that you are unwilling or unable to do yourself?” While this form of thinking is not as common as it used to be, there are still many young Dominants out there working their way through being an apprentice in order to understand the true meaning of submission and Domination.

The Collar of Protection

The Protection collar is one that is not widely used these days. It is given when an individual feels that he or she is in need of protection. Normally the slave/sub will choose a respected Dominant that they are familiar with and ask him or her to provide this service for them. The Dominant chosen will be the contact person for anyone interested in the slave/sub and is normally present at any meetings, or activities the slave/sub will be participating in, they may also be involved in any negotiations and or formal arrangements between the slave/sub and a Dominant.

The Collar of Consideration

The collar of consideration is the first step within a BDSM relationship. It has the significance of an engagement ring within the Vanilla world. It does not necessarily signify a permanent relationship between the Dominant and the slave/sub; it does however tell other individuals that you are seriously thinking about becoming someone’s property and you are now “off limits” until further notice. Normally this collar is given with a time frame attached, for example…we will try this out for 6 months and see what happen…then go on from there.

Again this type of collar is to remain the property of the Dominant if the situation does not work out.

The Cyber Collar

This is the most controversial type of collar I have come across. Some people say it doesn’t or can’t exist, others say it is just as real as any collar out there. Personally I am a hands on type of person so I have a problem grasping the reality of this collar. Although there is one Dominant that I respect very much that does have a on line slave, and she is definitely his slave and follows his instructions to the letter, they meet maybe twice a year, but they remain close on the internet. She was collared on line, so she went out and bought herself a collar and put it on her own neck and viola, she is now owned. I very much respect this person and his style of BDSM, so as far as I am concerned if it works for them…who am I to judge.

Styles of Collars:

Formal Collar or Ceremonial Collar

This is the collar that is originally given to the submissive at the formal collaring; normally it is a little ornate or special. This collar is normally reserved for special occasions.

Posture Collar

This collar is specifically designed to keep the neck straight and stiff, it normally is structured in such a manner as to keep the chin tilted slightly up and forward, these collars are not designed for comfort, they are to enforce proper posture.

Daily Wear Collar

This collar can be anything from a doggie collar, to a simple leather band, to a hand made collar from the Dominant; the only thing about this collar is that it must be chosen for comfort and practicality. Most of these types of collars are made of metal, so that the slave/sub will not have to remove it in the shower, however there are many of this type of collar made from leather or a combination of both. These collars normally do not cost any where near as much as a formal collar, and in truth a slave/sub may have two or three collars that he/she would consider daily wear collars.

Vanilla Collar

This collar is quite simply the un-collar. It is a type of collar that most people would not recognize as a collar unless of course you are within this lifestyle. A thick velvet ribbon around the neck, a heavy chain or even a light one will do, a simple leather choker or a rhinestone studded necklace, the choices on this type of collar are endless. The most important thing about the collar is it’s hidden secret, the fact that it is a physical representation of a very spiritual thing, slavery and submission.

Fancy Collar

This collar is mainly for decorative purposes; this collar may be black leather with the one-inch spikes; or the soft kitty collar with rows of rhinestones. The main thing about this collar is that it is fancy, it is not for normal use, it is normally reserved for scening or parties. This collar was designed, purchased and is worn with showing it off in mind.

With all the different styles and types of collars one thing remains consistent, the slave caller is a symbol of honor. It is an honor for a slave to be able to wear the collar of a Master or Mistress, just as is it an honor for Master/Mistress to have them wear it. No one can explain the feeling that goes through a slave’s heart when he or she feels that collar lock into place for the very first time. No one can tell a Master or Mistress why their heart is suddenly in their throat as the key is removed from the lock. No one can explain what is racing through the mind and heart of a submissive as he/she sees a tear form in their Dominants eye as they nod their acceptance to take the collar. It is an experience that will live forever in the soul of everyone touched by this wonder.

As with everything this is my opinion, take what you will and leave the rest. If you wish to contact me, my email address is If you wish to see more of my work you may find a complete listing of all my writings at…. in the files section.

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