It's Raining Men: The Basics of Piss Play
Author: Norische
Filed in: health and safety, watersports
The kidneys maintain the bodies’ electrolyte balance by excreting excess electrolytes into the urine. Chemically, urine is mainly an aqueous (watery) solution of salt (sodium chloride), some magnesium, calcium, potassium, and phosphate, hormones and with males semen may be present (especially after sexual activities), uric acid and a substance called urea. Urea is the chief solid component of mammalian urine; synthesized from ammonia and carbon dioxide and used as fertilizer and in animal feed and in plastics. The lower the fluid intake the higher the concentrate of solid components within the urine. Normally, it contains about 960 parts of water to 40 parts of solid matter. Under abnormal circumstances other components may be present within the urine; it may contain sugar (in diabetes), a protein known as albumen (as in some forms of kidney disease), bile pigments (as in jaundice), blood (as in an infection of the kidneys or urinary tract), or abnormal quantities of one or another of its normal components. Also in the urine of women, specifically those that use birth control pills, you will find female hormones, which can lead to partial feminization when consumed by a man.
The consumption of urine has had a long and interesting history. In India the ancient spiritual text known as the Damar Tantra written over 5,000 years ago mentioned the drinking of one’s own urine to accelerate one’s journey to spiritual enlightenment. In both China and India there have historically been individuals that sought to obtain immortality by drinking their own urine, including emperors, and magicians or sorcerers; believing that the urine contained the life force (a.k.a. prana or chi). In the Hindu spiritual text known as the Vegas, urine when drank, was claimed to have the ability to confer godlike levels of awareness and vitality on the spiritual adept. The Parsis have several ceremonies that involve being washed in the urine of either holy men or cattle, even drinking the “sanctified” urine of the bull, as a means of purification and initiation. Zoroastrian rites of purification and consecration involve the washing of ones body in the consecrated Gomez or cow’s urine. The Zuni of the 19th century believed the consumption of urine at ceremonial times could elevate one in the ranks of the religiously devout. The list of the religious implications and associations of urine is quite extensive and extremely interesting, I would definitely encourage those interested in the historical nature of this unique obsession to explore this area more.
Just as with the religious sector the medical field found it’s own unique use for the consumption of urine. The Greek physician Hippocrates encouraged the consumption of ones own urine as a preventative as well as including urine in several natural remedies. In the 18th century medical reference book Lamery’s Dicionnaire Universelle des Droguess, it was recommended drinking two to three glasses of urine each morning to cure gout, hysterical vapors, and obstructions of the bowels. In the 19th century reference book One Thousand Notable Things the use of urine to cure scurvy, skin rashes, cleans wounds and as a general antiseptic was duly noted. During the Civil War, Confederate women collected their urine and processed it into potassium nitrate for the war effort. The references for medical uses of urine is not all on a historical basis, in fact the use of urine for medicinal reasons is still very popular.
In Africa urine mixed with ashes and clay form a paste used to prevent bug bites. In certain Arab countries the consumption of urine is believed to be the perfect way to jump-start one’s metabolism. Some Alaskan natives use urine as an antiseptic for wounds. In Bangkok some alternative health practitioners have found urine therapy to be a major breakthrough in medical science, recommending its use for everything from cancer to back pains. In June of 2001, and Chinese news feeds reported that more than 3 million Chinese drink their own urine to stay healthier. One documentary I found called “Urine: Good Heath” claimed that the use of urine, whether taken orally, dropped in the eyes or ears, used topically or injected can cure such ailments as cancer, asthma, arthritis, glaucoma and yes even AIDS, the documentary was created by Eli Kabillio and Mad Dog Films Inc.
While such claims of a medical cure all are quite rampant through out the world today, there is very little viable medical proof of urine being the next wonder drug. The pharmaceutical companies have used urine in medications for ages, such as the use of horse urine to create the hormonal treatments for postmenopausal women. However, no medical proof, that I was able to locate, backed up the presumption that drinking ones own urine could prevent any ailment, or cure any disease. Yes, when some portions of urine can be isolated, distilled and processed can be made medically beneficial. Consider the nutrient urokinase, a trace element found in urine, one would have to consume 193,375 gallons of urine to amount to one ounce of urokinase. Urokinase is a thrombolytic agent which works by activating the body\'s own fibrinolytic system by activating the production of plasmin from plasminogen. Plasmin is an enzyme which degrades fibrin clots and fibrinogen, as well as several other protein clotting factors. Hence while the use of this element is quite beneficial I personally am not that thirsty, not to mention the unbearable potty breath one might have… I think I would rather take the pill
It is evident that there are some medically and spiritually therapeutic uses for urine, however there are some dangers associated with the consumption of urine.
Urine is one of the cleanest bodily fluids; in fact urine is nearly sterile when it leaves the human body. “Nearly sterile” however does not mean that it is without risks. The moment urine leaves the human body it becomes a host for bacteria, the longer the urine sits the greater the risk of bacterial contamination. Also if there is a urinary tract infection or kidney infection, that infection may be passed down through the urine. Another thing to consider is that both the Hepatitis Virus and the HIV/AIDS virus can be passed through urine as well, so can some other sexually transmitted diseases, I would like to note however that the likelihood of transmitting some types of STD’s is greater if blood is present in the urine, as with menstruation, when there is a prostrate infection or with some forms of cancer, etc. Hence, heed this warning when you consider consuming the urine of another, a clean bill of health does not necessarily mean there is no risk involved.
There are several drawbacks to drinking the urine of another or being urinated on. One of which is the smell. The odor associated with urine is directly related to the consumption of certain foods. The more water consumed by an individual the more diluted their urine will be, hence the lower level of odor causing bacteria. Also the reduction of foods high in protein such as peas, beans, lentils, peanuts, meat, fish, dairy and eggs, will cut down on the odor as well. Avoiding caffeine, salt, asparagus, tomato juice or V-8 for 6 to 8 hours prior to playtime will help out to some degree. The consumption of citrus fruits, sports drinks and lots and lots of water will help keep the level of solid material within the urine to an acceptable level, hence reduce the odor as well. The more fluids consumed the more diluted the urine, and consequentially the less risk involved.
Another draw back is the mess. Do yourself a favor, the first time you explore this activity do so in the shower. If you have your first encounter in the shower or tub clean up is a breeze and if you find you cannot handle the smell or feel of the urine then you have a very handy method of cleaning it up.
The mental turmoil is also another drawback to being urinated on or consuming the urine of another. Being urinated on is a very humiliating experience for some people; it is a very humbling even degradating event. The childhood perspective of urine being “dirty” and “nasty” means that if you are urinated on then you become dirty and nasty. The humiliation of wetting ones pants or wetting the bed as a child, is a horribly devastating event, and may be very traumatizing. Therefore, I would suggest a lot of discussion between participants before any such play is explored. It is better to talk things out and make sure there are no hidden issues there, than to have your partner have a panic attack or nervous breakdown in the middle of a very erotic moment.
Urolagniac, this is someone that receives sexual pleasure from urine. There are some individuals that not only don’t have a problem with urine they actually find the addition of urine in sexual activities to be extremely gratifying. Others find the act of urinating on another to be sexually exciting. Still others find the shear taboo nature of the act to be exciting, thrilling and forbidden. Some individuals are attracted to the smell, the feel, even the taste of urine. Hence even with all it’s draw backs the addition of urine into playtime can for some be the proverbial icing on the cake.
Some Dominant individuals find the act of urinating on their slave/submissive to be a reminder to the slave/sub of their position. Some slave/subs find the act of drinking their Dominants urine to be an act of total submission to the point to worshiping the Dominant. The proverbial I would do anything for you…simply because you ask me to.
There are many issues to consider when exploring adding urine play to your BDSM activities, explore all aspects, and consider all risks before you take the final step.
A few final tidbits:
If you consume the urine of an individual that has used drugs, you will test positive for the same drug.
While the US Army Survival manual states that the consumption of ones own urine, when no other viable water source is available, may be the difference between life and death; never drink urine that has been stored, it is filled with dangerous bacteria, and could possibly kill you.
The consumption of too much urine for an extended period of time can lead to health risks including kidney infection.
No bodily fluid is 100% guaranteed to be safe, so know your partner and know yourself. Play safe; don’t risk your own health or the health of your partner.
As with everything this is my opinion, take what you will and leave the rest. If you wish to contact me, my email address is If you wish to see more of my work you may find a complete listing of all my writings at…. in the files section.
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