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Speech Training 5: Addressing a Subordinate

Author: Norische

Filed in: training, speech

To address someone as a familiar, for example using first names, is permitted only after permission has been sought and given. It is best to ask permission of your Owner as well as the equal and if the equal has an Owner it would be appropriate to ask that Owner as well.

In most cases it is suggested to use the title Miss and Sir for an equal, although it is advisable to ask your Owner as to what he or she would feel appropriate.

While learning how to address a subordinate or equal is indeed important, a slave must also learn what is proper and what is not proper to discuss. There are some things that should never be discussed with anyone, even a fellow slave.

Never speak ill of your Owner, unless there are legal issues or the slave is in physical danger.

Never speak ill of another slave's Owner, if you see something inappropriate go directly to your Owner and speak with him or her.

Never discuss your Owner's finances or lack there of.

Never make fun of your Owner.

Never discuss your Owner as such with anyone outside the lifestyle.

Never discuss anything that will embarrass or dishonor your Owner.

Each Owner may have specific rules and requirements for speaking with a equal or subordinate so it is best to ask him or her what their individual preferences are prior to making contact. This definitely prevents possible mishaps and perhaps even punishment.

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