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Speech Training 6: Affirmative Answers

Author: Norische

Filed in: training, speech

When a slave gives an affirmative answer he or she can be as simple or as elaborate as the Owner wishes. Saying "yes" can be done is a vast array of different ways.

For example if the Owner asked: Are you hungry?

If the Owner prefers the slave to use a third person point of view�
"This slave is hungry, Master."
"Sir, Your slave is indeed hungry, Sir."

If the Owner prefers something a little more formal, the slave may respond with�
"Sir, only if you wish it, Sir"

If the Owner prefers something a little more Military or Absolute�
"Sir, Yes, Sir"

If the Owner prefers something a little more historic or poetic�
"As you say Sir."
"Only if it pleases you Sir."
"As you wish."

An example of a more elaborate affirmative answer would be that of the Asian style�
"Gracious Master, Thank you most humbly for your concern for this worthless creatures welfare. If it would please the most esteemed Master, this worthless creature would be most appreciative to obtain sustenance, but only if it does not inconvenience his Honorable Self."

And of course the silent smile of affirmation is always acceptable.

The slave must remember that even when stating the simplest statements he or she is still a slave; hence "sure why not�" or other such familiarities are inappropriate unless of course that is the preference of the Owner.

When an affirmation of a command or order is necessary, again one must follow the preference of the Owner; however, my preferences are�

"Of course, Ma'am"
"As you wish, Ma'am"
"Immediately, Ma'am"
and of course a simple "Yes Ma'am"

I like my answers to be short and simple, I know that some prefer long and drawn out statements but personally my time is more valuable.

What is rarely understood is that speech is a privilege not a necessity; a simple nod is all that is truly necessary to make a
complete and well-understood affirmation.

Keep in mind that when you forget the simple courtesies, the privilege of speech may easily be withdrawn until one learns how to properly state even the most basic things.

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