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Presentation 7: Apology

Author: Norische

Filed in: training

An appropriate apology is a combination of words, attitude and stance. A well structured, well thought out apology is half the battle…however the right amount of humility added to this recipe of perfection make the end results that much more impressive.

When choosing a position for the presentation of an apology one wants one that shows humility and remorse. Hence the first step is to lower ones self before the owner.

Some feel that the presentation is more impressive if the slave is lying on their stomach with their arm extended. I have my own preference as far as this position is concerned.
A slave should always perform an apology on their knees; even the most basic of apologies should be done in a humbling position.

For this position the slave should start by kneeling. Then the slave should then assume a modified knee/chest position. This position is known as Kowtow or Koutou.

Feet: The feet should be strait behind the slave; ankles are not to be crossed.

Legs: Knees bent, and spread.

Back: The back should be bowed to allow the buttock to be as high as possible and the chest as low as possible.

Chest: The chest should be as close to the floor as possible.

Arms: The arms should be out stretched in front of the slave; they should be straight but not stiff.

Hands: Hands should be flat on the ground.

Head: The head should be down with the forehead touching the ground.

Eyes: The eyes should be closed or cast down at all times. This slave is unworthy of the owners look.

The slave should say nothing until the owner gives the slave
permission to speak. The slave should maintain this position until the owner gives permission for the slave to rise. When permission to rise is given the slave should slowly rise up to where his or her buttocks are resting on the ankles, head should be down and eyes cast down, hands should be face up on the knees, back should strait but not stiff. The slave should not look up unless ordered to do so.

The slave must stay in the secondary position until told to do other wise. When the owner gives permission for the slave to be released from the second position the slave should then lower him or herself back into the original position and approach the owners shoes or feet. The slave should wait for permission and then place a single kiss on each shoe, starting with the owner's right shoe. The slave must not mar or smudge the footwear in any manner. Then the slave may rise; the slave must then thank the owner for his or her generosity and mercy.


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