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Lifestyle Poetry

Lyrical, rhyming and passionate words are a beauty to this Lifestyle. Enter into the creative muse, the mind of submissives and Dominants alike. Find just the right words to express how you are feeling from someone who was able to use their inner voices.

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The Ideal

Author: luna

Filed in: ideal, perfection, pantoum, steps

We strive for the ideal.
Never knowing exactly where that begins
and where we place now;
driving us further to perfection somehow.

Never knowing exactly where that begins;
our hearts and minds absorb all we can learn.
Driving us further to perfection somehow;
we take our places of power.

Our hearts and minds absorb all we can learn,
so that one day we shall look and feel and know;
as we take our places of power;
We have stepped nearer to that ideal.

That one day when we shall look and feel and know
He is Master, I am slave.
We have stepped nearer to that ideal
Once our lives no longer separate, but meld.

He is Master, I am slave,
and where we place now,
Our lives no longer separate, but meld.
We strive for the ideal.

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