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Lifestyle Poetry

Lyrical, rhyming and passionate words are a beauty to this Lifestyle. Enter into the creative muse, the mind of submissives and Dominants alike. Find just the right words to express how you are feeling from someone who was able to use their inner voices.

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Candles, Satin and Leather

Author: luna

Filed in: submission, lifestyle, scene, heart

The rhythmic beat of the drums in the background
Challenge my heart to the same beat
Adrenaline pumps through my veins
Heightening sensations
Raising the heat
I stand at attention, eyes down
Hands clasped behind my head
I am vulnerable, open
He likes it this way
Exposed, naked, ready
It is a ritual, a choice
I have chosen to be submissive
To be controlled
Looking at me, his pet
To do his bidding, for his pleasure, for mine
Fantasy to reality
Breaking down barriers
No rules, no going back
This realm must be explored
Challenge me Lord
Master, I am yours
Just protect me from harm.

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