Random Quotes
Tagged: sex, love, vanilla, erotic, s/m
Many vanilla people are surprised to learn that S/M includes erotic spanks, scratches, and bites, which are amazingly common forms of erotic expression. They are also surprised to find out that S/M practitioners can fall in love, and that they enjoy conventional sex acts such as oral sex and intercourse. -- Laura Goodwin
Tagged: terror, anticipation
There is no terror in the bang ... only in the anticipation of it. -- Alfred Hitchock
As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live. -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Tagged: torture, pleasure, body
The body is both a pleasure palace and a torture chamber. -- Charles Levin
To be sensual, I think, is to respect and rejoice in the force of life, of life itself and so to be present in all that one does, from the effort of loving to the breaking of bread. -- James Baldwin
Being your slave, what should I do but tend
Upon the hours and times of your desire?
I have no precious time at all to spend,
Nor services to do till you require. -- William Shakespeare
Tagged: reality, experience, alive
...what we're seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances within our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive. -- Joseph Campbell
Tagged: slapping
Listen, when I slap you you'll take it and like it. -- Humphrey Bogart
Tagged: life, heart, surrender, pain
Sometimes what seems like surrender isn't surrender at all. It's about what's going on in our hearts. About seeing clearly the way life is and accepting it and being true to it, whatever the pain, because the pain of not being true to it is far, far greater. -- Nicholas Evans
The heart is the temple wherein all truth resides. -- Kahlil Gibran
Tagged: desire, woman, man, want
When I am dead, you'll find it hard, says he
To ever find another like me.
What makes you think, as I suppose you do,
I'll ever want another man like you? -- Eugene T. Ware
Tagged: strength, confidence, time
I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence, but it comes from within. It is there all the time. -- Anna Freud
Tagged: love, suffer, understanding
To suffer in love is to completely understand it.
-- Dr. Justin HaleTagged: kissing
What is this thing called a kiss? French, tongue, soul, chaste, motherly, fatherly, brotherly, sisterly, ass, genital, Judas, trembling, rough, hesitant, sweet, soft, wet, dying, fevered, good-night, farewell, burning, and chocolate. -- Gilbert Sorrentino
There's nothing either good or bad ... but thinking makes it so! -- William Shakespeare
We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. -- Anais Nin
Tagged: kissing
Kissing is man's greatest invention. All animals copulate, but only humans kiss. -- Tom Robbins
Tagged: bondage, discipline, trust
In a sense, you will find that it does not matter what stance you take in bondage and discipline games. Either role done well transcends into the other, and to be done well both require trust. -- Lady Ravinia
Tagged: suffer
Always make the audience suffer as much as possible. -- Alfred Hitchcock
That which yields is not always weak. -- Jacqueline Carey
Tagged: life
Think of three things, whence you came, where you are going, and to whom you must account. -- Benjamin Franklin
Tagged: intention, expectation
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be. -- Douglas Adams
Tagged: submission, permission, right
You are no one's slave, dog, slut, or sub until you give them that right. Only you can give it. No one can take or assume it without your permission. -- Jack Rinella
Tagged: submission, bondage
I'm not averse to being tied up - I like a man to take charge. There's something very sexy about being submissive. -- Eva Longoria
Narcissism is the art of looking in the mirror and saying 'Damn I'd like to have sex with me.' -- Anonymous
Tagged: discipline, wisdom, fools
Fools despise wisdom and discipline. -- Proverbs 1:7
Tagged: love
Immature love says: "I love you because I need you." Mature love says: "I need you because I love you. -- Erich Fromm
Tagged: speech, service, heart, compassion
A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity. -- Buddha
Tagged: life, journey, destiny
The longest journey is the journey inwards. Of him who has chosen his destiny, Who has started upon his quest for the source of his being. -- Dag Hammarskjold
It is certainly no crime to depict the bizarre ideas that nature inspires. -- Marquis De Sade
Instead of complaining that rose bushes have thorns, rejoice that thorn bushes bloom. -- Unknown
Tagged: life
Ordinary life does not interest me. I seek only the high moments. I am in accord with the surrealists, searching for the marvelous. -- Anais Nin
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined. -- Henry David Thoreau
The very instant that I saw you, did my heart fly to Your service; there resides, To make me slave to it; and for Your sake... -- William Shakespeare
Tagged: kissing
Some women blush when they are kissed; some call for the police; some swear; some bite; but the worst are those who laugh. -- Anonymous
The noblest service comes from nameless hands, And the best servant does his work unseen. -- Oliver Wendell Holmes
Tagged: bdsm, difference, kinky, spiritual
A riding crop and a blindfold doesn't make it BDSM. There is a big difference between being kinky and being in the scene. It's not a sexual thing to me, it's a very spiritual thing. -- DominaBlue
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender. -- Aerosmith
Tagged: discipline, suffer, pain
We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret or disappointment. -- Jim Rohn
Tagged: orgasm, fake, failure, injustice
Women fake orgasm if they really care about the man because they don't want him to feel a sense of failure. I think it's really a kind thing that women do. But they're probably doing themselves an injustice, because probably, if they could get over it, if they didn't fake it, and they learned how to relax, they would probably have their orgasm. Some men aren't good enough to give it to you. -- Annie Flanders
Tagged: sex, orgasm, penetration
The moment of greatest significance in love-making is not the moment of orgasm. It is rather the moment of entrance, the moment of penetration... This is the moment that shakes us, that has within it the great wonder, tremendous and tremulous as it may be- or disappointing and despairing, which says the same thing from the opposite point of view. -- Rollo May
Tagged: submission, ritual, sex, sacrament
The BDSM ritual may be predominantly sexual in expression, however the goal is not gratification per se, but ecstasy. BDSM is, above and beyond a physical need, the psyche's effort to make sex a sacrament. Only through the understanding and acceptance of the sacramental value of submission will slavehood be true. By the same token, of course, it also becomes holy. -- J. Mikael Togneri
Tagged: chains
Chains of iron or of silk-both are chains. -- Friedrich von Schiller
Tagged: discipline, freedom, goal
Discipline gives total freedom; it allows you to go beyond limitations, to break through boundaries and reach the highest goal. -- Chidvilasananda
...it seems to make no difference how much the poor bastard actually gets, for he is dreaming about tomorrow's pussy even while pumping away at today's. -- Philip Roth
Tagged: find, submissive, question
The single most common question in BDSM is "How do I find a submissive?" -- John Warren, Ph.D
Tagged: leader, woman, possessed
I do not want to be the leader. I refuse to be the leader. I want to live darkly and richly in my femaleness. I want a man lying over me, always over me. His will, his pleasure, his desire, his life, his work, his sexuality the touchstone, the command, my pivot. I don't mind working, holding my ground intellectually, artistically; but as a woman, oh, God, as a woman I want to be dominated. I don't mind being told to stand on my own feet, not to cling all that I am capable of doing but I am going to be pursued, fucked, possessed by the will of a male at his time, his bidding. -- Anais Nin
Tagged: calling, slave, vocation
Slavehood is a vocation, comparable and equal in every way to any religious calling. -- J. Mikael Togneri
Tagged: fear
Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past me I will turn to see fear's path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain. -- Frank Herbert
Tagged: force, heart, sexual urges
Feelings that originate in the human genitalia are among the most powerful forces on earth. They have a complex relationship with the feelings that stem from the human heart; at various times in competition or in harmony... One of the supreme goals of spiritual work is to harness the sexual urges in service to the heart's wisdom. -- Rob Brezsny