'Twas The Night Before Christmas
Author: Unknown
Filed in: humor, poetry, holidays
Not a creature was stirring, not even my spouse;
The paddles were hung in the cupboard with care,
In hopes that her bottom soon would be bare;
The children were nestled at grandma's in bed,
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads;
And mamma in her nightie, and I in my cap,
Had just settled down for a long discipline chat,
When out of her mouth there arose such a clatter,
I sat on the bed as she sassed "Hey what's the matter?"
I pulled her across my knee in a flash,
Pulled up her nightie to bare her cute ass.
Her bottom was white as the new-fallen snow
But would soon give way to the luster of a healthy red glow,
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a large wooden paddle, to redden her rear,
With long hard swings, both lively and quick,
She knew in a moment it won't be a picnic.
In rapid succession the paddling came,
I shouted, and called out her no-nos by name;
I paddled her hard and continued her fate.
She begged and she pleaded and I knew she would bawl!
Her bottom, her thighs I covered them all!
As I held her down tight I listened to her cry,
When the paddle met her, there were tears in her eyes,
So I spanked and I spanked and the paddle it flew,
With the lecture of love that came with it too.
The wiggling and kicking of each little foot
The paddle would soon make her little ass cook.
As I drew back the paddle, again it was sound,
Down on her bottom it came with a bound.
She was beautiful and sexy, from her head to her foot,
But her soul was all tarnished like ashes and soot;
A bundle of guilt she had on her back,
I took them away with each paddle wack.
Her eyes -- how they twinkled!
With tears that weren't merry!
Her cheeks were red as roses, her thighs like a cherry!
Her beautiful hair was drawn up in a bow,
And her bottom was now not as white as the snow;
I let her get up and put the paddle on the shelf,
I kissed her and I love her more then myself;
A wink of my eye and a twist of my head,
Soon let her know it was now time for bed;
I spoke not a word, but went straight to work,
I tucked her in bed; then turned with a jerk,
And laying my finger aside of my nose,
And thinking inside, "She's as red as a rose";
Now discipline is not as easy as a whistle,
And it won't go away like the down of a thistle.
Now to all of you who love spankings so dear,
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