Speech Training 4: Addressing an Equal
Author: Norische
Filed in: training, speech
A slave should not address another slave unless required to do so in order to perform a specific task or is invited to do so.
A slave must speak respectfully and use the appropriate tone at all times.
A slave should address an equal as Miss or Sir until given permission to be more familiar.
Once given permission the slave may carry on an appropriate conversation with his or her equal, as long as it does not hinder either individual from performing their duties.
Every slave or submissive out there needs someone they can talk to, as a friend, a confidante, or a mentor. Because of this it is natural for a slave to seek out individuals that they feel comfortable with. The most important thing that they must remember is that their words and actions always reflect on their Owner. Hence manners are always expected, even with a close friend.
After a slave has been given permission to address another individual on a familiar basis, the slave should still act with respect and dignity, in other words the slave should not get into arguments, giggling fits, or boisterous conversations. There is nothing more distracting for an Owner than to be sitting drinking coffee with a friend and have squeals of laughter and giggling exploding from a corner of the room.
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