Orientation 9: Duty / Responsibility
Author: Norische
Filed in: training
It is the duty of each and every slave to be obedient. Obedience is not something that can be negotiated, one may respectfully question, but one must always be obedient.
It is the duty of each and every slave to be respectful. One can never expect to be treated with respect unless one knows how to treat others with respect.
It is the duty of each and every slave to be loyal. A slave should never give his or her owner reason to question the loyalty of the slave.
It is the duty of each and every slave to know one's place. To forget one's place is to forget the reason that he or she became a slave in the first place.
It is the duty of each and every slave to behave in a manner that is appropriate and in the best interest of all involved.
It is the duty of each and every slave to maintain a healthy mind and body. Remember that the slave is now the property of another and must be treated accordingly.
It is the duty of each and every slave to ensure a happy, healthy home for him or herself and the owner.
It is the duty of each and every slave to serve. The act of serving is the foundation of the slave's existence; to over look this is to take away the slave's reason for being.
It is the duty of each and every slave to put the needs and wants of the owner before his or her own. In the heart of the slave, the owner should be first and foremost.
It is the responsibility of the owner to ensure a healthy, safe home. An environment that is unhealthy or unsafe serves no purpose, except to destroy.
It is the responsibility of the owner to maintain his or her property and to treat each slave with respect. To allow a slave to be ill-treated is to create a foundation of fear and mistrust.
It is the responsibility of the owner to be honest. Honesty is the foundation of trust and without trust then there is no foundation for a relationship.
It is the responsibility of the owner to communicate with and to actively listen to his or her slave. While there are some individuals with psychic abilities, I am sure, do not assume that the slave can read minds or is so well trained that he or she can anticipate the owner's every need.
It is the responsibility of the owner to be patient, Rome was not have been built in a day, and neither is a good slave.
It is the responsibility of the owner to use his or her slave well. A slave that is not allowed to serve is a slave without a purpose.
It is the responsibility of the owner to provide structure and consistency. Chaos may encourage change but it does not encourage security or peace of mind.
It is the responsibility of the owner to put the safety and well being of the slave before his or her own. An owner takes full responsibility for every thing that happens to the slave when he or she places a collar on the slave, remember that and understand that responsibility.
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