Orientation 3: Attitude
Author: Norische
Filed in: training
A slave should always strive to present the most positive
environment possible. There is not one owner out there that wants to come home to a house full of tension, anxiety or just plain bitchiness. I am not saying that the slave can never have an off day or get upset, but the slave must remember their obligation is to the owner and to the house, hence sometimes a slave must put the happiness of another before his or her own.
If the slave is unhappy, upset, or unfulfilled then the proper thing to do would be to go to the owner and ask to discuss the matter with him or her. Don't think that if you ignore a problem that it will go away. Unfortunately negative emotions tend to build at a rapidly increasing pace, and must at some point be dealt with. It is far
better to get it off one's mind and out in the air and give the owner the opportunity to deal with the problem properly, than to be forced to live in misery and uncertainty until things boil over and someone explodes.
I am not saying that the slave needs to be upbeat and chipper by any means, in fact some owners like their slave to be reserved and quiet. What a slave must strive for is to provide the owner with an atmosphere that compliments the wants and needs of the owner. To achieve this the slave must have an attitude that encourages the type of atmosphere that the owner is seeking.
If the slave feels that he or she cannot meet the expectations of attitude desired by the owner then they should let the owner know this and allow him or her to make an informed decision of what to do. Sometimes counseling on one or both parts may be necessary. In some cases where medical issues are the cause for the lack of emotional stability, anti-depressive medications or other mood stabilizing medications may be necessary.
In the end attitude is everything. Each individual has the ability to govern his or her attitude and hence they are in control of the very atmosphere around him or her, each individual is the center of the universe they live in.
To serve with the attitude of arrogance is not service at all. To give an apology without the proper amount of humility is to merely recite the words without any meaning. To begrudgingly perform a task required of you is to do a disservice for all involve. Own your realm, own your attitude.
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