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If I Ever See Another Checklist I Will Scream: An Extremely Thorough Play Checklist

Author: Norische

Filed in: negotiation, play, checklist

There are a two primary reasons for this checklist, 1) Safety. In all scenes safety should be paramount. This checklist is created to cover health issues, safety issues, as well as personal preferences and experiences. 2) Communication. Sometimes we don\'t quite know all the questions to ask or how to communicate to our partner what we want, this checklist will help you establish a greater level of communication and understanding.

This list is designed primarily for the submissive, slave, bottom, or switch. However, it is a good idea for a Dom/Domme, Master/Mistress, top or switch to fill out the applicable information as well. If both parties fill out this checklist then the compatibility between partners can be examined.

1. Fill out any portion applicable of the Safety Section

2. Write YES or NO or N/A next to each item to indicate whether you have ever participated in this activity, or if it is Not Applicable to you.

3. Indicate your like or dislike about doing each item based on a scale of 0 to 5.

4. Write NO next to anything you would consider a HARD LIMIT, this means you would NOT consider doing this activity under any circumstances.

* 0 (zero) - indicates you are in NO way interested in doing that activity.

* 1(one) - indicates you do not want to or like to do this activity but might for the right person, under the right circumstances.

* 2(two) - indicates you are willing to do this activity, although it isn\'t one of your favorites.

* 3(three) - indicates you are willing to do this activity occasionally.

* 4(four) - indicates you are willing to do this activity on a regular basis.

* 5(five) - indicates you love doing this activity as often as possible.

* ? - indicates you are not familiar with the activity or do not understand the question
* / - indicates that you understand the activity but are unsure of how to answer

Part 1 - Safety

I am mainly into : (D/s, Sadism, Masochism, Bondage, Fetish, Power Exchange)

Safety Codes:

Red: Stop
Yellow: I\'m ok but slower/less/careful
Green: I\'m fine, go on, more


Visible bruises/cuts/marks must be avoided (Y/N):

Heath Issues: (Hemophilia, Allergies, Asthma, Breathing Problems, Blood Sugar Issues, Circulation)

Medications: Have you taken any medications, including Aspirin within the last 4 - 6 hours. Please include any Prescription medication you are on.

No hit zone if any:

Phobias or Fears:

Other Remarks:

I want aftercare (Y/N)

I like to talk after a scene (Y/N)

I want extensive verbal communication during a scene (Y/N)

I want music during the scene (Y/N)

Part 2 - Activities

Abrasion/Abrasive Play

Acrophilia (arousal from heights)

Acrotomphilia (arousal from stumps or amputees)

Adult Baby

Aftercare (at finish of play)

Age Role Play (Specify Age)

Agalmatophilia (arousal by sex with statues)

Amazon Women

Anal Beads

Anal Play (stimulation play of the anus)

Anal Plugs (large)

Anal Plugs (small)

Anal Plug (public, under clothes)

Anal Sex (giving, strap on)

Anal Sex (receiving)

Animal Role Play

Anilingus (giving oral/anal stimulation)

Anilingus (receiving oral/anal stimulation)

Ankle Restraints

Anthropomorphic (self contrived or false amputation)

Arm or Leg Sleeves (armbinders)



Attraction for Uncircumcised Penis

Auctioned as Slave

Auctioned (for specified use by purchaser)

Auto-Erotic Asphyxiation (to heighten sexual pleasure)

Ball Gag

Ball/Testicle Stretching

Bareback (sexual intercourse without using a condom)

Barosmia (arousal from the smell of flagellation)

Bastinado (beating the soles of feet)

Bathroom Use Control

Battery Play (9 Volt)

BBW (Big Beautiful Women)


Being Boxed (coffin, crate, cage, etc)

Being Serviced (sexually)

Belly Dancing

Belly Punching

Ben Wa Balls

Bestiality (specify animal)




Blackmail/Finacial Subjection

Blindfolds (being blindfolded)

Blood Play

Blow Up Sex Dolls

Blue Balls (ball torture)

Body Bag

Body Piercing (temp)

Body Piercing (permanent)

Bondage (ropes)

Bondage (cuffs)

Bondage (duct tapes)

Bondage (heavy)

Bondage (Japanese)

Bondage (light)

Bondage (long, extended time)

Bondage (outdoor setting)

Bondage (private setting)

Bondage (public setting, under clothes)

Bondage (steel, wire, metal)

Boot Worship

Branding or Cauterization Branding

Breast/Chest Bondage

Breast Flagellation

Breast/Chest Fucking

Beast Torture

Breath Control/Play

Brown Showers


Butch/Femme Roleplay

Butt Plugs


Canes (hard)

Canes (light)

Canes (caning as punishment)

Canes (sensual)

Canes (Tattoo)

Castration Fantasy


Cat - O - Nine Tails (flogger)

Cat - O - Nine Tails (knotted)

Cattle Prod

CBT (Cock, Ball Torture)

Cells/Closets/Confined Spaces (locked in)

Chains (hung from, wrapped in, confined)

Chamber Pot Use

Chair Bondage

Chastity Belt (short term)

Chastity Belt (Multi day)



Chores (domestic service)

Circumcised Penis

Clitoris Bondage

Clitoris Piercing (permanent)

Clitoris Piercing (temp)

Clitoris Vacuum Pumping


Cock Worship

Collar and Leash

Collars (worn in Private)

Collars (worn in Public)

Competitions (with other subs/slaves/bottoms)

Consensual Non-Consensuality

Corsets (casual wearing)

Corsets (trained waist reduction)

Corsets (for purpose of body modification)


Cross-Dressing/Gender bending


Cuffs (metal)

Cuffs (leather)

Cunnilingus (giving)

Cunnilingus (receiving)

Cunnilingus (while menstruating)

Cunnilingus (while urinating)



Dacryphlia (arousal from tears)

Damsel in Distress Fetish

Deep Throating

Denied Orgasm

Dental Gags - Retractors

Dental Play

Dilation (sphincter relaxation)

Dildo (using on self)

Dildo (using on partner)

Directed Bisexuality

Directed Daily Activities

Dirty Talk

Dirty Sex (mud, dirt, oil, rubbish)


Double Penetration (dildos)

Double Penetration (multiple partners)


D/s, Domination, and submission

Edge Play (extending the boundaries of play)

Electric Torture

Electric Play

Enema (giving)

Enema (receiving)

Enema (for cleaning)

Enema (for punishment)

Enforced Chastity

Erotic Dance (doing)

Erotic Dance (watching)

Erotic Humiliation

Examinations (medical)

Examinations (physical)

Examinations (publicly as slave)

Exercise (forced)

Exhibitionism (friends)

Exhibitionism (strangers)

Eye Contact Requirements

Eye Contact Restrictions

Face Slapping

Fantasy Abandonment

Fantasy Abduction

Fantasy Gang Rape

Fantasy Rape

Fantasy of Rendered or Unconscious Men/Women

Fear (being scared)

Feathers and Fur play

Feces play (human on body)

Feces play (animal on body)

Feces play (human on face)

Feces play (animal on face)

Feces play (eating)

Fellatio (giving)

Fellatio (receiving)

Fellatio (mutual)

Fellatio (while urinating)

Fellatio (condom covered)

Female Body Builders

Female Ejaculation

Female to Female (strap on penetration anal)

Female to Female (strap on penetration virginal)

Female to Male (strap on penetration anal)

Femoral Intercourse (fucking closed thighs)


Finger Sucking

Fire Play

Fisting (anal, giving)

Fisting (anal, receiving)

Fisting (virginal, giving)

Fisting (virginal, receiving)

Fisting (double)

Flame play

Flogging (giving)

Flogging (receiving)

Following Orders

Food Play

Foot Binding

Foot Bondage

Foot Fetish

Foot Licking

Foot Massage

Foot Worship

Forced Bedwetting

Forced Cross Dressing

Forced Dressing

Forced Eating

Forced Domestic Service

Forced Feminization

Forced Homosexuality

Forced Heterosexuality

Forced Masturbation

Forced Panty/Pants Wetting

Forced Nudity (private)

Forced Nudity (public)

Forced Nudity (with group)

Forced Oral Sex

Forced Servitude

Forced Smoking

Frottage (arousal from the rubbing of clothed bodies)

Full Head Hoods

Gags (cloth)

Gags (dental)

Gags (inflatable)

Gags (phallic)

Gags (scarf)

Gags (tape)

Gas Mask

Genital Clamps

Genital Sex

Genitorture (light)

Genitorture (heavy)


Given Away to Another Dominant (temp)

Given Away to Another Dominant (permanent)

Glory Hole

Golden Showers (on body)

Golden Showers (on face, hair, in mouth)


Gun Play

Hair Bondage

Hair Cutting (head)

Hair Cutting (body)

Hair Holding

Hair Pulling

Hairbrushes (spanked with)

Hand Cuffs

Hand Jobs (giving)

Hand Jobs (receiving)

Hand Licking

Harems (belonging to)

Harems (serving with others)

Harnessing (leather)

Harnessing (rope)

Have clothing chosen for you

Having food chosen for you

Head (giving)

Head (receiving)


Head Restraint

Head Shaving

Heat Play (wax, ointment, cigarette)

High Heel Worship

Homage with tongue (non-sexual)


Hot Creams

Hot Oils

Hot Waxing

Housework (doing)

Housework (doing nude, scantly clothed)

Human Furniture (foot stool, chair, table)

Human Pet (Cat, Dog, Horse)

Human Toilet

Humiliation (private)

Humiliation (public)


Hypnotic Female Domination

Hypnotized Men

Ice Cubes

Ice Enemas


Including Others



Inflatable Toys

Initiantions / Gauntlets


Insertable Inflatable Toys


Intricate (Japanese) Rope Bondage

Jacking Off

Kali\'s Teeth Bracelet

Kegal Exercises

Keloids (cutting and raising scars)




Kneeling (long)

Knife Play

Kundalini (Chi)

Labia Enlargement

Labia Saline Injections

Labia Stretching

Labia Clips

Labia Weights

Latex Clothing

Lactation play

Lactating Women

Large Insertable Toys

Lead on Leash

Leather Clothing


Leather Restraints

Lectures for Misbehavior

Leg Sleeve/Binder

Licking (floor)

Licking (people)

Licking (toilet bowl)

Lifting and Carrying cradle style in arms

Lingerie (on your partner)

Lingerie (wearing)

Liquid Rubber

Litter Box Using

Manacles, Shackles, leg irons

Manicures (giving)

Manicures (receiving)


Masturbation (in front of partner)

Masturbation (in front of others)

Masturbation (with same sex group)

Medical Play

Men in Underwear

Menstruation Fetish

Mind Control

Mind Fucking

Modeling for Erotic Photos

M/s Master/Mistress/slave

Multiple Orgasms


Name Change (for scene)

Name Change (legal, permanent)

Name Change (online)

Necrophilia (arousal by someone in corpse like state, or corpse)

Needle Play

Nipple Clamps

Nipple Play

Nipple Rings (piercing)

Nipple Sucking

Nipple Torture

Nipple Weights

Non Penetrative Sex

Nymphomania (abnormal sexual appetite)

O Kee Pa (the Sun Dance)

Objectification (being Property)

Orgasm Control

Orgasm Denial

Orgasm on Command

Outdoor Sceneing

Outdoor Sex

Over the Knee Spanking

Paddles (leather)

Paddles (studded)

Paddles (wooden)

Pain (mild)

Pain (medium)

Pain (severe)

Pain Slut

Panty Wetting

Pelvic Floor Muscle Control

Permanent Record of Sessions (video, photographs)

Persona Training (in scene)

Personality Modification

Phone Sex (commercial provider)

Phone Sex (serving Dom)

Phone Sex (serving Dom\'s friends)

Piercing (permanent)

Piercing (temp)


Piqurer (stabbing someone with small objects in crowds)

Plaster Casts

Plastic Surgery

Plastic Wrap

Plushie Fetish

Pony Girl/Boy

Postillionage (inserting lubricated finger into anus)

Practice Save Sex

Prostitution (fantasy)

Prostitution (forced)

Prostitution (real)

Prison Scenes

Public Exposure

Public Sex


Punch Fucking (extreme fisting)

Punishment (discipline)

Punishment Scene

Pussy Whipping

Pussy Worship

Pygmalionism (sex with mannequins, statues, or blow-up dolls)

Queening (forcing vagina into mouth and nose)

Rape and Abduction Fantasy

Religious Scenes

Restrictive rules on Behavior

Riding Crops

Riding the Wooden Horse (crotch torture)

Rimming (anus licking)

Rituals/ Ceremonies (non-religious)

Rubber, Gummi, Latex, Spandex, Wetsuits, Fetish

Sacred Sex/Sacred Sexuality


Safe Call

Saline Injection/Infusion (breasts, labia, testicles-specify)

Saran Wrapping (mummification)


Scarves and Mask Fetish

Scratching (giving)

Scratching (receiving)

Secret Sex in Public

Sensory Deprivation

Serving as Maid/Butler

Serving as an Art Object

Serving as an Ashtray

Serving as toilet (feces)

Serving as toilet (urine)

Serving as Waitress/Waiter

Serving Other Dom (supervised)

Serving Other Dom (unsupervised)

Serving Orally (sexual)

Sexual Addiction

Sexual Deprivation

Sexual intercourse with older person (Gerontophilia)

Sexual Sadism

Sharps Play

Shaved Genitals (having)

Shaved Genitals (on partner)

Shaving (below neck)

Shaving (head)

Single-Tail Whip

Skinny Dipping


Slave Marking (receiving)

Sleep Deprivation

Sleeping Bondage (heavy)

Sleeping Bondage (light)

Sleeping on Floor



Slutty Clothing (private)

Slutty Clothing (public)

Smoking females or Smoking Fetish

Sneezing Fetish

Spandex Clothing

Spanking (giving)

Spanking (receiving)

Spanking (belt, leather strap)

Spanking (hand)

Spanking with implement

Speaking Restrictions

Speculums (anal)

Speculums (vaginal)

Spitting (on body)

Spitting (in mouth)

Spreader Bars

Standing In Corner


Straight Jackets

Strap-on-dildos (penetrated anally)

Strap-on-dildos (penetrated vaginally)

Strap-on-dildos (sucking)

Strap-on-dildos (wearing)

Strapping (full body beating)

SubMission (private)

SubMission (public)

Supplying new partners for Dom

Suspension (horizontal)

Suspension (inverted)

Suspension partially touching floor (on toes)

Suspension (upright)

Suspension by hook

Swallowing Feces

Swallowing Semen

Swallowing Urine

Swapping (w/ multiple couples)

Swapping (w/ one couple)



Tampon Training (inserted in anus)

Tantra - Tantric and Taoist Sex

Tattoos (henna/temp)

Tattoos (permenant)


Temperature Play

TENS unit (electrical toy)

The Humbler

The Zipper

Threesome (group sex, Menage a Trois)

Thumb Bondage

Thumb Cuffs


Toe Sucking


Topping from the bottom

Total Power Exchange

Triple Penetration (dildo)

Triple Penetration (multiple partners)


Urethral Sounds (metal rods)


Upskirt, Stockings, Nylons, Pantyhose Fetish

Urethral Play

Use of non-verbal Safe words

Use of Safe Words

Vacuum Body Bag/Vacuum Bondage Bed

Vaginal intercourse

Verbal Abuse

Verbal Humiliation

Vibrator (external)

Vibrator (internal)

Video Porn/BDSM watching

Video (recordings of you)

Video Taped Scenes

Violet Wand

Voyeurism (watching partner with others)

Water Sports

Water Torture

Wax Hair Removal

Wax Play

Wear Rubber/Latex Clothing

Wearing Boots

Wearing High Heels

Wearing Uniforms (Military, Fireman, Police, Sport, Nazi, etc.)

Wearing Symbolic Jewelry

Weight Gain (enforced)

Weight Loss (enforced)


Wooden Paddles

Wrestling (other subs)

Wrestling (your partner)

Wrestling Females

Wrestling Males

Zooerasty (sexual intercourse with animals)

Zoophilia (Sexual enjoyment stroking/fondling of animals)

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