Presentation 1: Appearance
Author: Norische
Filed in: training
While the Owner ordains the general appearance of the slave, the slave must always present him or herself in the best manner possible to compliment the Owner.
A simple example of this would be if the Owner prefers the slave to remain nude in his or her presence. The slave should make sure that he or she is well groomed, and clean at all possible times in order to provide the Owner with the most desirable slave possible. For myself I require all my slaves to be clean-shaven, this means males and females. Hence if a slave presents him or herself without being
clean-shaven then I consider their appearance to be inappropriate and remove them from my presence until they present themselves in a manner that I find appealing. There are of course exceptions to every rule, for example if the slave has been sick or has some form of medical reason why he or she is unable to shave.
If the owner enjoys the slave wearing a specific uniform or costume then the slave should make every effort to make sure that the appropriate clothing is available and in good repair at all times. Simple things like ironing hems and pleats, using a lint brush to remove stray hair or particles, cutting any loose threads, and making sure that the article of clothing has no stains or damage is an excellent start.
Shoes should always be well kept, polished, and odor free.
Hose should be run free and of a proper fit.
Underclothing should be kept fit and clean. There is nothing more disturbing than to go to a get-together with other lifestyle friends and decide you would like to play with your slave but when he or she starts to undress you find they are wearing discolored, stained or ripped underwear and now all of your colleagues have seen your slave's pathetic attire as well. If it has a hole in it or stains that cannot be removed, throw it away.
White shirts should be kept white. It is rather ugly for someone to wear what once was a white shirt that is now a kind of mused gray. Bluing works wonders on bringing the white back in old, faded or discolored whites.
If it doesn't fit, don't wear it. A slave cannot serve his or her owner well if they are afraid to move. If the jeans are so tight that you have to lie down to put them on, or if you eat you will not be able to button them then do not wear them.
If the item of clothing is questionable always seek the Owner's opinion. Also a good frame of reference is that if in doubt, bring a change of clothing or something to slip on over the clothing just incase.
If you are to accompany your Owner out dancing, by all means wear the dress shoes, but take along a pair of comfortable shoes to change into just incase. A slave should never inconvenience his or her Owner by complaining about sore feet, when it could have easily been remedied by a little forethought.
One thing that I found very convenient, especially when I had a female slave, is to keep an emergency change in the car. I have the slave keep a small carryon with a change of clothing, including shirt, pants, underclothing, shoes, brush, toothbrush, toiletries, feminine products, baby wipes, and a jacket or sweater in the car at all times…and to be quite honest I cannot tell you how many times I have been thrilled that I take that simple precaution. It is the
slave's responsibility to make sure the clothing is weather
appropriate and taken care of.
Each Owner will have his or her own specific fetish, or desire when it comes to the appearance of their slave. The best thing a slave can do is to learn the preferences of the Owner and always strive to present the best possible appearance that he or she can.
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