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Orientation 6: Communication

Author: Norische

Filed in: training

It is the responsibility of the slave to learn how to communicate properly and to appropriately. Good communication is a key element for an owner/slave relationship. There are a few simple instructions that must be followed to ensure good communication.

The slave must learn to word his or her comments well, speaking in code or innuendoes only serves to irritate the owner and encourage frustration for all parties involved.

Be precise, do not give a long drawn out story or embellish, simply state the information necessary to get your point across, if the owner wishes more detail then he or she will ask for it.

Keep the voice under control, an owner will listen more if the slave's voice is in a calm, quiet manner than if the slave is yelling. An owner will tend to ignore a raised voice or concentrate on the tone being used and not the words being said.

Don't hem haw around, do not waste the owner's time by saying something like "Well…um…you see…well…I know what you…um…well…" An owner will get frustrated and stop listening.

Learn to be expressive without being obnoxious, to be giggling in the middle of a comment only serves as a distraction.

If you have a question, ask… no one will be punished for asking for clarification. However the slave must know it is the owner's prerogative as to answer the question or not. Ignorance is not an excuse, if there is a question or uncertainty about an instruction it is the slaves obligation to ask questions.

Learn to actively listen, an individual may hear what another is saying…but are they really listening.

Don't waste time, have your questions or comments planned out, if necessary write down what you want to say…that way you have everything ready when you have the opportunity to speak take advantage of it, instead of spending most of the owner's time trying to remember what you wanted to say.

Be accurate, exaggerations, embellishment and over dramatization are great when you are writing a novel but not when you are conversing with the owner.

Be honest, when the owner asks the slave a question the slave must be honest…even if there are repercussions for telling the truth, it is far better than being caught in a lie.

Enunciate well, do not slur or mumble…it gets irritating for the owner to have to continually ask the slave to repeat him or herself.

If the slave is highly emotional then he or she should calm down and gather themselves prior to speaking, a cool head makes understanding much easier.

To learn to communicate well is a huge task amongst itself. To learn to listen well is to complete the battle, and win.


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