Frugal Romance 101
Author: Unknown
Filed in: relationships, love, romance, tips, suggestions, frugal romance
Holidays and special anniversaries are wonderful reminders for romance. However, they are also the most predictable. A small but meaningful gesture on an "ordinary day" often has more impact than a larger investment on an "expected day."
One way to encourage spontaneous romance is with a Friendship Ball/Box. Find a nice small hollow ball or box. It is important that it can be opened and shut.
The friendship ball is almost like a "hot potato." You are supposed to put a little treasure inside and place it for your love to find. Then it is their turn to fill it up and give it back to you. The intention is to be a never ceasing exchange of tokens of love.
You might choose to place the ball inside the refrigerator with a hand picked flower or a piece of luscious chocolate inside. It could be returned to your pillow with tickets to the theater or a favorite comic strip. The exchange could possibly go on indefinitely. Regardless if it does or not, hopefully the romance in your relationship will always be on fire.
Here's a tip for frugal romance that anyone can afford, and it's FAR more romantic than a movie and popcorn! Pack a picnic, go somewhere pleasant, and share a book! Choose something that appeals to both of you; love poems, humorous essays, a mystery novel, you name it. Enjoy your picnic as you take turns reading to each other, laughing, talking, and relaxing. If you can't find/afford a sitter, this one even works in your own back yard or on your living room floor after the kids are asleep! Most of us have far too little time in our lives to enjoy a good book, and how wonderful it is to hear one read in that special person's voice! If you can't finish the book, you simply have something nice to look forward to on the next date..
If you are going to celebrate Valentine's Day, I suggest you do it with a little forethought. I cringe every time I go to the grocery on February 13 or 14 and see dozens of men crowding around the greeting cards to buy one at the last possible moment.
Buy your card now and mail it out to Loveland, Colorado for extra special treatment. Your card will be postmarked LOVEland, Colorado and it will also be hand-stamped with a unique four line poem.
The Loveland Chamber of Commerce organizes this yearly romance project with cards going to all 50 states and over 100 foreign countries annually.
It's simple. Just enclose your pre-addressed, pre-stamped Valentine's card in a larger envelope and mail to: Postmaster, Attn: Valentines, Loveland CO 80537.
Go ahead. Do it now.
Here are some more "romantic" cities.
Kissimmee, Florida 32741
Valentine, Texas 79854
Valentine, Nebraska 69201
Loving, New Mexico 88256
Bridal Veil, Oregon 97010
Romance, Arkansas 72136
Inexpen$ive Date Ideas:
Pick a handful of wildflowers for your partner.
Drive to the tallest place in the city and enjoy the view or drive around the outer limits of the town.
Rummage through a flea market.
Visit local museums or art galleries. Often there is a free day each month.
Visit local zoos or aquariums on their free days.
Visit a local art gallery or a local bookstore's poetry reading.
Find any free tours available in your area (wineries, breweries, etc.) * Go out for coffee and dessert instead of dinner.
Go to a matinee -- they are sometimes half price -- or find the cheap movie theater in your area. They often cost $1 per person.
Pull out the music you used to listen to and reminisce.
Cook something together.
Go square dancing.
Start building up your supplies today. I really beef up my supplies after Valentine's each year when the items go on clearance. There are chocolates, stickers, unique candies, candles, small books and many, many other items that you can stash away for emergencies.
Idea’s from a list I am on
Last Valentine's Day was the best ever for me. My husband had to work late on V-day, so we decided to celebrate the next evening. The only catch was that we were on a $10 spending limit. When I arrived home on Feb. 15, the house was filled with balloons and a picnic had been set on the living room floor. My husband went to Hallmark and convinced them to sell him all of their leftover Valentine's Day balloons for $5.00! I think there were about 10 balloons in all. And, they also refilled each balloon with air so that they stayed inflated for over a week! The other $5.00 was spent on deli items for the picnic and a rented movie for us to cuddle up together and watch. It was a wonderful evening!
Shawnee, OK
One-of-a-Kind Card
A great way to save money on Valentine cards is to make your own. Cut red, pink or white construction paper in half and then fold those pieces in half to make a card. You can even cut the construction paper in fourths to make Valentine postcards. To make the cards look special you can stamp hearts on the front by purchasing a .97 cent bag of Valentine heart shaped marshmallows from Wal-Mart, K-Mart or any other low price store. Dip the marshmallows in any kind of red, pink or white paint, and stamp away. This is much cheaper than purchasing a heart shaped stamp and the cleanup is easy! Toss the marshmallows in the trash!!
Kids will love making these cards. A pretty card is made for a very pretty inexpensive price.
Susan A.
Mystery Valentine
Several days before Valentine's Day while I was at work I received three beautiful long stemmed red roses along with a card that read, "Roses are red...." There was no name from the sender. I called the florist to ask who had ordered them and she told me that she couldn't reveal that information. So I called the guy I was dating, and asked if he knew anything about them. I told him what I had received and I didn't understand why the card only said what it did. He said he didn't know anything about it.
The next day I received another three roses with a card that read, "Sunflowers are yeller..." I still didn't understand why there was only one line and no signature from the person who had sent them. Again, I called to see if he was involved with the great mystery. He still denied it, but he said it sounded like a riddle of some sort. Curiosity was killing me, let alone the girls at the office.
The third day brought three more roses with a card that said "I wanna be...." By then, I knew it had to be a riddle of some sort, but I still hadn't figured it out. The fourth and final three roses that completed the dozen were delivered the next day with a card that read, "Your Valentine's feller...Love, Randy"
Although the relationship didn't work out, it was the most memorable and wonderful Valentine's Day gift I had ever received.
Give Yourself
I have given my hubby a coupon book with maybe 5 coupons in it. One could be for a 15 min. back rub, another for favorite meal to be cooked (1 day notice) a hug, etc. I put them in a little book that I punch holes in & decorate the cover myself. He really enjoys this. Oops, limitations - one coupon per week please!
Kathy C.
Little Surprises
One Valentine's my husband bought a dozen roses. He gave them to me over the next couple of days, one at a time. I found one on my cookbook, another one on my car, another one on my pillow. By the end of the weekend I had received the full dozen roses. It was nice having the little surprises and wondering where the next one would turn up.
10 No Cost Valentine's Day Gifts
By Adriana Copaceanu
Valentine's Day is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate those we love, and money should not stay in the way of it.
Here are some Valentine's Day gift ideas that won’t cost any money.
1. Surprise your partner with a new set of vows, complete with a lovely candlelight dinner. Take care of all the details before the actual day, so you can be relaxed and enjoy it too.
2. Window-shop for your dreams together: go "house hunting" for the perfect getaway cottage...mountain cabin...or even your first house. Those dreams will become a reality sooner than you think.
3. Bake some heart-shaped cookies or fudge: this one is really easy, and if you have kids, you can involve them as well.
4. Create a list of "100 reasons I love you" and present it nicely wrapped and tied with a red or pink bow.
5. Read love poems/stories together.
6. Share romantic greeting cards that you made: these can be adorned with silk, hearts, pressed flowers, or a nice drawing by you, if you have the talent. .
7. Leave love notes in unexpected places. Suggestions include on the bathroom mirror, in the fridge, under his pillow, in his checkbook, or any other place you think he'll come across during the day.
8. Find a babysitter for your kids and have a picnic in the living room.
9. Say "I love you" for 12 entire months with a coupon book filled with favors that she can redeem throughout the year. Choose a different favor for each month of the year that she can redeem on any day of the month. Suggestions include a foot massage, a back rub, cleaning up after dinner, a night out alone, etc.
10. Prepare a romantic spa evening at home: run a hot bath, add some bath oil, and some of your partner's favorite music. Don't forget a sensual massage and some home made chocolate treats.
Simple and Low Cost Tips for a Valentines Celebration for Two
by Angela Billings
Here are some tips to use for a Valentines Celebration for Two on a small budget or no budget!
1.Make a Valentine for your Sweetie. Most cards in the stores are generic looking and very expensive. By making your own you can make what you want and customize it to say whatever you choose.
2.Use scented candles for romantic lighting and a great scent.Be sure and put them in safe places and DO NOT leave them unattended!
3.Rose Petal Path! If you have any artificial roses around that you are not using simply cut them apart voila you have Romantic Rose Petals! Sprinkle in a path to wherever you want it to go.
4.Candy! You don't need expensive chocolates to do the trick. Buy some at the grocery or drug store or make it yourself.
5.You can give a Single Rose if you can't afford a dozen. (Men like roses also!) Most convenience stores have the single roses in a bucket for a few dollars each. Buy one of those and take the cellophane wrapping off and then give it to your Valentine! They don't need to know where you got it, after all it is the thought that counts!
6.Write a Love Letter. It doesn't get any cheaper or simpler than that.
Romance on a Budget - Love Is Patient, Kind, and Cheap
by Nicole Dean
Valentine's Day is around the corner and men from Alaska to Florida are breaking into a cold sweat. They've bought into the fallacy that romance equals money. Men everywhere have been frightened off by television and movies and believe that romance is something outside of their budget. They are wrong.
When I think of the most romantic and breathtaking stories that my friends and I discuss over coffee, we don't talk about flying off to Europe or drinking the most expensive champagne. The little things like holding hands, reading stories together, and lots of laughter are what we hold dear.
I've put together a list of ways to show love -- without running up your credit card bill. And, ladies, this list is for you, too. Initiate the following ideas with your Sweetie, and show him how much you care. The ideas below are for men or women and fit every budget.
Love Notes - Leave Love Notes for your Sweetheart to find.
Pampering - Brush her hair. Scratch his back.
Wildlife - Feed the ducks, squirrels, birds, turtles or fish near you.
Games - Turn off the TV. Sit and play cards or board games together.
Cooking - Find recipes to make with your sweetheart.
Candles - Candles should be used every day -- for meals, bath time, snuggling.
Read together - Choose a book and take turns reading it to each other.
Photos - When is the last time you had a photo taken together? What are you waiting for?
Work Date - Surprise your love with a lunch date.
Stroll - Leave the TV, phone and computer behind and go on a walk together.
Spell it Out - With Sidewalk Chalk, write your names in a heart on the sidewalk where your sweetheart is sure to see it.
Entertainment - Go see a High School or College play or concert. It is affordable and fun!
Slow Dance - Turn on the radio and dance to the songs you fell in love listening to.
Star Gaze - Drive out to the country and look at the stars.
Volunteer - Choose a charity or cause that means something to both of you and work together to make the world a better place.
Love Story - Write how you met, fell in love, how you felt, what your thoughts were. You will treasure looking through these books over the years.
Love Grows - Plant a garden together. Herbs, vegetables, flowers, fruit -- anything you both like.
Cheer - Go to a High School Sporting Event.
Warm Hearts - Snuggle by a campfire or build a fire in the fireplace.
Watch the Clouds - Lay together and watch the clouds go by. Talk about the different shapes you see.
Connect - Hug, Hold Hands, Put your Arm around your Sweetheart.
Big Money - Write your Sweetheart a Check for One Million Kisses. Or make a coupon book of treats for him or her.
Window Shop - Go downtown and window shop.
Early Days - Look at photo albums of yourselves when you were kids through your dating years.
Puzzles - Do a jigsaw or crossword puzzle together.
Wish List - Both make a wish list of things that make you happy and put them in order. Hugs, dates, gifts, time together, intimacy, etc. Then look at the lists. They may surprise you.
People Watch - Sit on a bench and watch people go by. Try to guess their stories.
Play - Go to the park and swing.
Kiss - Before you part for the day, kiss for 10 seconds. It is much better than a quick peck on the cheek.
Picnic - Get take out food or make a picnic lunch. Take your time and enjoy your meal together outdoors.
Throw Rocks - Go to a pond, creek, or lake and throw rocks. Try to skip them or aim for different targets.
So, although an occasional expensive dinner is appreciated, it is truly the day-to-day affection that builds romance and love. Yes, Love is Patient, Kind -- and Cheap!
52 Fantastic Dates for Fearless Married Couples
by Keishia Lee-Louis
You mean we still have to date? Couples looking to renew their
relationships ask this question all of the time. The answer is
a resounding YES!!! It's the best way to ward off infidelity and
a lack of satisfaction with your relationship.
Think about it. Wasn't that the most interesting time in your
relationship? You and your spouse were just getting to know one
another and everything was fresh and new.
If you want to keep the spark in your marriage, sometimes you have
to act as though you're still dating. No kids, no bills, no work.
Nothing to distract you from getting to know each other a little
Here are 52 ideas for great dates. One for each week of the year.
I'm not saying that's how often you should go out. I'm just
providing some fuel for your fire.
And notice-- not once do I mention movies. No matter how fun they
are, it's time to broaden your scope. From daring to romantic,
here they are:
1. Visit a Safari park
2. Be tourists again, and tour your local historic site.
3. Go to the museum
4. Take in a play
5. Ride bikes in the park and have a picnic
6. Go roller skating/blading
7. Try your hand at bowling
8. Check out the planetarium
9. Take a cooking class together
10. Swim at the beach or lake
11. Go to an amusement park
12. Sing karaoke
13. Play pool
14. Get salsa lessons-- or try the tango
15. Fly a kite
16. Go rock climbing-- indoors or out
17. Hear some cool jazz
18. Try a poetry slam
19. Go line dancing
20. Try some tapas
21. See an opera
22. Check out a baseball game
23. Go to a book signing
24. Become putt-putt golf pros
25. Drive a race car
26. Play video games at an arcade
27. Walk along the pier
28. Ride in a glider
29. Run a race
30. Go to a hockey game
31. Eat at a Brazilian steakhouse
32. Solve clues at a mystery dinner theatre
33. Laugh at a comedy club
34. Embark on a dinner cruise
35. Make your personalized teddy bears
36. Find fish fascinating at the aquarium
37. Take a hike
38. Grab a cup of coffee and a decadent treat
39. Check out a concert under the stars
40. Feed each other fondue
41. Take a hot air balloon ride
42. Visit a vineyard
43. Treat yourself to the spa
44. Curl up next to a fire and read to each other
45. Be pampered at a bed & breakfast
46. Sit for a portrait
47. Go skiing
48. Ride in a helicopter
49. Catch the carnival while it's in town
50. Go antiquing (or junkin' depending upon your perspective)
51. Watch 'em ride at the rodeo
52. Make memories in an art/photography class
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