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Untitled (They said.... You are Woman...)

Author: Author Unknown

Filed in: inspirational

They said... You are Woman ...
Go out and conquer the world
They said - be strong
Don't betray your Sisters
You don't need a man
You are sufficient unto yourself

They said - be strong Don't betray your Sisters
You don't need a man
You are sufficient unto yourself
They told me 'submissive' is wrong
...and degrading that I need bow to no man
I lived that truth
Strong, Independent, Intelligent, Capable,
In Charge, In Control...

Until - a new truth
You told me - you are woman
...Go out and couquer the world
Then come home and sit at my feet

You said - come to me in strength and I will protect you
and celebrate your strength

You said - kneel before me give
my your woman's body for my pleasure
and I will raise you from kneeling heights you never imagined

You said - let me into those locked rooms
...give me access
Trust Me with every part of you
...and I will treasure it all

You said - there are more truths in this world,
...and revealed them to me
and because of you
...I am forever changed

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