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Speech Training 2: How To Apologize

Author: Norische

Filed in: training, speech

One slave I was training stated quite blatantly that she would not apologize when told to do so, because she felt she gad done nothing wrong. Whether or not she had done something wrong was irrelevant, the only thing that was important was that I ordered her to apologize and she had directly disobeyed.

The first thing that I must stress about an apology is that it is not an acceptance of blame for an act or the acknowledgement of a wrong doing as most would perceive it. For a slave an apology is one thing,
the acknowledgement that he or she has displeased the owner in some manner. It does not mean that the slave knowingly did something incorrect or that they accept that they did something wrong, it merely
means that it was not their intention to displease the owner. By apologizing the slave is merely stating that they regret upsetting or displeasing the owner and that they will do every thing in their power to see that it does not happen again.

Knowing how to apologize properly is one of the most important things a slave can master. When a slave apologizes there are several things that must be present.

Genuine humility is an absolute when seeking to present a proper apology; a slave must be humble and void of all arrogance. Half the challenge of a proper apology is attitude. If an apology is not presented with the proper attitude then it is not a genuine apology; it is merely words spoken with the pretence of obtaining the desired effects.

Acceptance is another absolute when one is presenting a proper apology. By acceptance I mean, an acceptance of responsibility. To apologize without accepting the responsibility for ones actions and or words is to do so out of proper manners, it is not a true apology. There must also be an acceptance of ones fate, to understand that one has erred in some manner is only half the battle, and one must also accept the consequences for ones own actions.

An apology can be divided into several different portions, the initiation, the acclimation, the affirmation, and the alteration.

The initiation is first portion of an apology, in general it is here that the slave will state that he or she is sorry for their behavior or action or lack there of. Normally this is a short and sweet statement. For example:

"My apologizes…."
"Please forgive me…."
"I beg your pardon…"

The acclimation is when a slave is given the opportunity to admit to the error or offence. If the slave is unaware of the offence then a simple alteration of words will suffice. For example:

"I was not aware that your drink was empty…."
"It was not my intention to displease you…."

The affirmation is the portion of a proper apology when a slave assures the owner that he or she will not repeat the offence.

"I assure you that this will not happen again…."
"I will see that this does not happen again…"

The final portion in a proper apology is the alteration. During this portion a slave will step forward and accept whatever consequences the owner thinks appropriate or the slave may at this time request the opportunity to rectify the situation. For example:

"I humbly ask that you chastise my body so that I may remember this unfortunate incident…"
"Please, allow me to get you a fresh drink…."

While the American style of a formal apology seems rather long and drawn out, the Oriental style is far more dramatic and drawn out.

First the position must be correct. The slave should be kneeling with its forehead pressed against the floor, arms stretched out in front of him or her with palms down flat on the floor, butt must be high in the air and the back arched to allow proper angle.

This would be an appropriate formal apology for someone who is trained in the Asian form of service.

"Please excuse this worthless creature, whom is unworthy of your presence. This creature humbly begs your merciful, esteemed self to forgive the unforgivable. This worthless creature fully acknowledges its inadequacies in its service to your esteemed self. This unworthy creature humbly beg that you chastise its unworthy self with the severest of punishments so that its soul will burn with shame and that this creature may never again transgress in such a dishonorable manner."

The slave must remain in the presented position until ordered to do so. For a true Asian form this timeframe may be several minutes even hours.

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