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BDSM Truth or Dare

Author: #Submission

Filed in: humor, fun

A game of T or D is always encouraged on channel. Some will play and some won't, so just talk and play around each other. It makes for a fun time.
Thanks to the members of #submission for writing these great questions!


1. Please wait for your turn; you will be called on.
2. Age, gender, and location checks are not allowed. Please pick a victim first, then you may ask them for gender and limits (if they have limits imposed by their dominants if submissive).
3. When you are chosen, you must choose "truth" or "dare," and minimally state your gender. (if you have limits to what you are and aren't allowed to do, please state them at this time).
4. Dares must be performed in the same room as the victim's terminal and cannot be illegal, dangerous, or potentially fatal.
5. Dares involving disclosure of personal information (such as phone numbers and addresses) may be declined at the discretion of the victim.
6. Dares harassing other channels who may take revenge are forbidden. (ie #unix, #hack et al.)
7. Racism, sexism, and abusive language is forbidden in general and for dares.

Real Life BDSM T or D: Jay Weisman has some fun rules! Truth or Dare "Wuss" Rules

Click Here For A Log Of Zuzzz, Baatezu And Others Playing A Question.


1. What bdsm toy scared you the most before you used/had used on you, but now you love? and why?

2. What is the kinkiest piece of BDSM apparel you own>?

3. Have you ever bought BDSM toys in person? or just online or mail order? If in person... what did you buy?

4. Have you ever scened in front of other people in public? if so...where?

5. Have you ever participated in bondage in public? if yes... where?

6. Have you ever participated in a spanking/flogging in public? if so where?

7. Have you ever participated in a public wax scene? if so where?

8. If a sub, have you ever worn a butt plug as punishment?

9. Have you ever worn bdsm apparel (i.e. collar... restraints, clips, clamps... etc...) in public view?

10 Describe yourself as if you were your favorite bdsm toy?

11. Tell us your one secret bdsm desire that you have not accomplished yet?

12. Have you ever been caught scening when you shouldn't have? and by who?

13. What sub/Dom(me) here would you most like to scene with and haven;t?

14. What commonly used word or phrase in bdsm do you hate? and why?

15. When was the last time you had solo sex? cyber sex? phone sex? real sex? (Answer all four)

16. Have you ever scened with someone online, just because you were bored, and not because you were in the mood?

17. Have you ever done something in a scene online that you would absolutely never do in real life? and if Yes... what was it?

18. When was the last time you had BDSM phonesex?

19. Have you ever scened real life and was sorry you had? if yes... why?

20. Which BDSM toy best describes your personality and why?

21. Have you ever scened in private with another person's Dom/sub without their knowledge?

22. What is the most unusual object you have ever scened with, and what did you do with it?

23. Have you ever scened real life, in public and gotten caught? and what were you doing when you got caught?

24. Who do you secretly lust over in channel but are too embarrassed to talk to?

25.What person have you scened with here that would shock your friends here?

26. What one BDSM toy in particular scares the hell out of you and why?

27. What toy have you used/had used on you, that you would never use/experienced again? and why

28. Have you ever cybersexed or phonesexed a Dom/sub that was collared to someone else at the time?

29. What is the craziest thing you have ever done during phone sex?

30. What is the worst cybersex experience you have had and why?

31. If you had one moment to relive..what would it be..and what would you do differently?

32. If you were a porn star.. what would your name be?

33. If you had one sexual act that you are a pro at..what would it be and why?

34. Describe your sexual secret for pleasure on your partner.

35. Describe the last time you had sex in a non vanilla arena.

36. If you had to give up all but one thing in sex..what would it be?

37. If you had a half hour to live..what would you do?

38. Name the Dom/sub that got away..( no longer comes to this channel)

39. Please tell us about the worst d/s experience you have ever had.

40. What is the sluttiest act you have ever performed?

41. Have you ever allowed yourself to be photographed nude? Tell us about it.

42. You are your keyboard.. Tell the channel about your owners antics.

43. If you were on the menu.. please describe yourself as a meal.

44. Which Dom/sub have you fantasized the most about here.. that you have never had contact with?

45. How many orgasms have you had in one sitting?

46. What is the one toy you could not live without?

47. Do you shave or go natural?

48. Describe if you were up for auction

49. Have you ever had sex with someone of the same sex?

50. If you were given $10,000 to give up your sexual practice in d/s for a vanilla life.. would you?

51. What is the most taboo thing you have ever done that you swore you would never do?

52. Please describe your first sexual encounter with someone other than your hand. Reinact it right now.

53. Describe your masturbation technique for us.

54. Describe the craziest place you have ever had sex

55. Describe the ideal Dom/sub for you.

56. Name the different types of vegitables you have masturbated with.

57. If you could have any Master/sub for one night of pleasure from this channel who would you choose and why?

58. If you could meet any Master/sub who would it be and what would you want to do..?

59. Please describe your rattiest looking pair of panties and when did was the most embarassing time you wore them.

60. If you could do any one thing to your current Master that he refuses to let you do, what would it be?

61. How many times have you faked an orgasm with your current Master/sub?

62. What is your favorite household utensil to use for masturbation?

63. How many different phonesex partners have you had and name the best.

64. If you could rename your Master based on his sexual talents, what name would you give him?

65. Please describe your pussy/cock in detail..using only words that begin with the letter *C*

66. Please describe the best fantasy you have ever brought to fruition?

67. How many sexual partners have you had?

68. What is your favorite sexual act?

69. How many partners have you had in one day for sex?

70. What is your favorite fantasy that you have YET to live out?

71. Please describe all the toys you have in your toybox..and name your favorite

72. Tell us when, if ever, you've doubted your abilities as a Dom or sub, what the situation was, and how you resolved it.

73. Choose different women from the channel to be the following: your wife, your lover, your housekeeper, your best friend and your boss. Who would you choose and why?

74. What's one place you would like to have sex if given the chance that you haven't done yet and why there?

75. If for the rest of your life your only sexual activity would be confined to either intercourse, oral sex or masturbation which of the three would you choose, why and what would you miss most about the other two you gave up?

76. Would you take advantage of an unconscious luscious female/ gorgeous hunk that you have always wanted if even for a moment? Why?

77. Have you ever tasted yourself? Semen for guys, pussy juice for the gals

78. If you could have sex, kinky or vanilla, with one celebrity, dead or alive, who would it be and what would you want�to happen?

79. If you could chose, which of the Dominants in the channel right now would you have sub to you and why?

80. If you could describe yourself as a weather event, what would it be and why?

81. Have you ever masterbated thinking about someone other than you Dom/me, and who was it?

82. What is the most times you've masterbated in one day and were you sore afterwards?

83. Have you ever masterbated thinking of a relative? What were you thinking about and how close a relative were they?

84.�Have you ever had sex with a relative, close or distant, and did you enjoy it?

85. Have you ever masturbated in front of your partner, while he/she was watching TV, just to distract them?

86. Have you ever performed a sexual act in public on your partner and drawn a crowd?


1. Pick someone in the user list.. and perform a one sided scene with them of your choice... and make it good.

2. Pick someone in the user list that you do not know well.... and tell them how you would spank/be spanked by them in your dreams.

3. Take the live person, immediately below you on the user list, and perform oral sex on them for the channel? if your last on the list, masturbate for the room.

4. Do a makeover on your least favorite sub from channel:

5. Change your nick to IEATPOOP and go to #scat and ask if anyone would like to contribute to your filthy habit.

6. Change your nick to pantyslut and go to #!!!sexsexsex and try to sell three pairs. bring back the buyers list.

7. The next person that comes to channel is the love of your life.. show that person how much you adore them for... 30 minutes.

8. Please say every sexual thought that comes to your mind in channel from now till you leave. Truth serum.

9. Please say every negative thought that comes to your mind in channel from now until you leave.

10. Change your nick to PhoneGirl and go to Phonesex.. get a date.

11. Play with yourself till you cum.. and describe it as you go.

12. We are taking your pictures.. POSE FOR THE CAMERA..for a 30 minute sitting.

13. Make the next person who enters the channel think you are someone of the opposite sex.

14. Make love to your favorite channel member of the same sex.

15. You are channel slut for the next 30 minutes.

16. Change your nick to WHINER and give it your best shot for 30 minutes.

17. Change your nick to SLUTTIEST and prove it.

18. You are on the catwalk.. ENTERTAIN US.

19. You are a cage dancer.. dance for us for 30 minutes.

20. You have to act like a horny chicken until the next person who joins channel asks what you are doing.

21. Choose a Dom in channel to make cum..and DO IT>

22. You are the SEX FAIRY.. sprinkle your horny dust on all new people who enter channel.

23. You are now channel greeter for the next hour.. make EVERYONE feel welcome.

24. You have to go to #cybersex and recruit at least one channel attendee to this channel.

25. For the next 30 minutes, approach each person who enters the channel and seductively offer to display for her/him any part of your body that he or she wishes to see. When they agree, describe the chosen part in detail and allow yourself to be examined (no touching necessary).

26. Go to the centre of the channel and sit on the special chair (it has a 6" plug built into the seat that's inside you when seated) and describe, in detail, your first experience with anal sex.

27. Go to #astronomy and act out a one-sided scene with one of the bots there, treating it as though it's a real person you haven't seen in a while.

28. For a female: without using your hands, arms or mouth, pick up and deliver a long-necked bottle of beer to each of at least 3 Dominants in channel - or as many as request it during the next 30 minutes.

29. For a sub: Undress and, using a marker/Sharpie pen, write on your skin whatever word (maximum 2 words per person) each participating Truth or Dare player tells you to write, in the spot they designate. Describe how it feels physically, and emotionally. Does not have to be in places that can be seen in regular street clothes.

30. For a Dominant: Dress like a pornographic fantasy slut and describe what you're wearing to each person who enters for the next 30 minutes. Offer to pose for them in their choice of position, using their choice of toy or prop. You have been very, very bad, and you need to be punished.

31. Go to a sub who is participating in the T or D game, and grovel. Confess what you have done, and beg and plead in your most appealing and submissive way to be disciplined.

32. Go to #netsex using an obviously sub female nickname. Start a discussion by asking in the channel "If you were going to fuck me in the ass, which lube would you prefer to use?" Anyone who messages you gets a reply in channel, keeping it on topic.

33. Tell the next male in channel that he is dirty, and stinky...entice him into a shower with you...come on strong but smack him with a bath brush when he touches you...scrub him clean then kick him out.

34. Change your nick to person that comes into room, find out the average # of times he/she has sex a week....then convince them that they aren't having enough sex, in the process...explain to them why foreplay is�so important and what it should consist of.

35. Go into #daddaughtersex and tell them your Daddy's penis is too big and you need to find some other Daddy to play with you. Stay there until you get at least one offer in a private message, cut and paste the proof.

36. Convince the next person coming into the channel to do a strip tease for you, in the channel. You can promise them any kind of cyber reward but that has to be in the channel too.

37. Describe your naked body (as if you were looking at yourself in a full�length mirror), all the intimate, personal nooks, crannies and bumps in detail.

38. Sell yourself in an auction, take 15 minutes to describe all your finer points and why you're a prize for the highest bidder. You are the merchandise, the auctioneer and the one who has to close the deal.

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