More Things NOT to Say to your Dominant...
Author: blushRedTail
Filed in: humor
- Is that the BEST You can do?
- There is no such thing as long enough or hard enough...
- i have NO limits
- You wouldn't DARE do that...
- i can take whatever You dish out.
- That wouldn't be enough for me...
- i've had better
- You're not doing it right...
- You missed a spot...
- You want to put WHAT WHERE?
- You do that one more time and You're asking for it!
- Neiner, neiner, neiner...
- No Way Jose!
(more reason to use SAFE WORDS!)
- You wouldn't do THAT?
- Well, THAT's a STUPID idea!
- my previous Dom/me did it better
- You're my baby!
- But what would people THINK....?
- i can’t help it
-You need to learn how to count.
- Ya Think?
- DUH!
- You don’t scare me and the classic:- - THAT will NOT FIT!!!Related Essays
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