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Presentation 6: Chastisement

Author: Norische

Filed in: training

This position is meant to be humbling by its very nature. This position works well when you are being force to chastise or correct the slave.

For this position the slave should be kneeling.

Legs: The legs should be spread, bent at the knees.

Knees: Knees should be bent and spread wide.

Ankles: Ankles should not be crossed.

Feet: The feet should be flat against the floor (as flat as possible).

Back: The back should be straight, not slouching… with the buttocks resting on the ankles

Chest: Chest should be relaxed.

Arms: Arms should be relaxed with the hands resting face up on the knees.

Hands: Hands should be resting on the knees, palm up with the hands open and relaxed.

Head: Head should be lowered slightly.

Eyes: Eyes should be cast at the ground; the slave should not raise his or her eyes unless instructed to do so.

One alteration that may be preferred by the owner is for the slave to maintain eye contact at all times…this way the slave can see the disappointment or emotion in the owners eyes.

If there are medical reasons that this position cannot be maintained, modification of this position are acceptable.


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