Orientation 11: Discretion
Author: Norische
Filed in: training
Some individuals feel that if you behave in a discrete manner that you are afraid or ashamed of whom you are. In the same sense this type of individual would be rather flamboyant about his or her life choices, due to the fact that he or she is proud of who they are.
There are individuals that are unable to be open about who they are and what life choices they have made due to his or her occupation or standing in the community. There are those that feel as if their family and friends would not accept them for who they are, and hence masquerade as the average citizen in order to keep up a standard of appearances.
Which approach is better? That is a question that should be left to the owner. A slave should not expect the owner to tell all his or her friends about their new acquisition, or expect the owner to introduce the slave as such at anytime other when the owner feels it appropriate. The slave should maintain an air of discretion at all time and only disclose his or her standing when directed to do so by the owner.
There are those that proudly wear a collar, and walk two steps being their owner in public, and say "Yes Master," or "Yes Mistress" in a crisp clear voice when asked a question. There are also those that have their collar hidden within the folds of their clothing, and walk with pride and the knowledge deep within their heart that they are a slave�but to the untrained eye they are only an individual, someone to blend in with the crowd.
Discretion does not mean you are ashamed of who you are. It means that you take into account the ideas and perceptions of others and do not wish to force your lifestyle onto them. After all remember Safe, Sane, and Consensual�the rest of the world did not consent to being within your chosen lifestyle, and hence it should remain their choice.
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