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Essay Collection

Hundreds of the most informative essays have been hand-picked for depth of knowledge and varied opinions with new and seasoned practitioners in mind. A wide range of topics are available for you to explore. Donations are always open so submit your essay to The Iron Gate for consideration!

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More Things NOT to Say to your Dominant... by blushRedTail
Filed in: humor

 - Is that the BEST You can do?    - There is no such thing as long enough or hard enough...   - i have NO limits - You wouldn't DARE do that...  - i can take whatev[...]

Shocking! Absolutely Shocking!: Part III - Fact VS Fallacy: The Violet Wand by Norische
Filed in: toys, electroplay

1. Ceramic core wands are better quality than wax core wands. Fallacy. The fact is that violet wands contain no part that is known as a "core". The basic setup consists of a tightly wound p[...]

How to Negotiate Play Parties, For Men by Peppermint
Filed in: etiquette, negotiation, protocol, play parties

I hold sex parties, and at every sex party, it seems like some guy messes up and pisses off some woman. In most cases, he is a perfectly nice and not at all creepy fellow who just screwed up slightly[...]

Accumulated Notes About Endorphins by none
Filed in: endorphins, masochism, subspace, play

From Role of endorphins discovered -- 1975 In the 1960s, neurochemist Choh Hao Li at the University of California in San[...]

The New Erogenous Zone by Mystik
Filed in: training

“Training” equals a Dominant’s FANTASY WORLD. I have been told that there are some things that have no training value. HELLO? Well, that’s a mystery to me! BDSM is not a cu[...]

Afternoon Tea 3: Recipes: From Traditional to Exotic by Norische
Filed in: how-to, ritual, etiquette, service, protocol

There are many excellent recipes out there that are completely acceptable when it comes to a traditional British Afternoon Tea; the following are just a few suggestions that one might consider. While [...]

Goodbye SSC by Chuck and Donna Cosimano
Filed in: general knowledge, ssc

When SSC was promulgated as a doctrine back in 1980s it was never intended to become the monster it has grown to become. It was a publicity gimmic purely and simply, designed to make our little hobby[...]

Scene Speech by Author Unknown
Filed in: speech, scene

Scene speech is a language that we develop and use solely in-scene. We reserve this speech to augment and accentuate the atmosphere of the scene and often to heighten the sensory experience for both D[...]

Speech Training 12: Language Limitations - Vulgar or Disrespectful Language by Norische
Filed in: training, speech

I will simply state that most Owners prefer that vulgar or socially inappropriate language be illuminated from the common vocabulary of the slave. I find that it is rare that an owner enjoys a slave t[...]

The Best That I Could Do by SirWolfr1
Filed in: inspirational, poetry

The munch had ended in the usual way, With good friends saying their goodbye's in the parking lot. The Doms and the subs, each bidding the other farewell, With exchanged numbers, hugs and soft knowing[...]

Serving and Being Served, a Few Pointers by CuisineNet
Filed in: rules, service, food service, protocol, tips, serving

Serving Order At a formal restaurant or banquet, food should be presented to guests in the following order: guest of honor, female guests, male guests, hostess, host. After the guest of honor, first t[...]

What's with Switching, anyway? by Franklin Veaux
Filed in: switch, definitions

"How singular is the thing called pleasure, and how curiously related to pain, which might be thought to be the opposite of it; For they are never present to a man at the same instant, and yet he[...]

The D/s Beatitudes by Author Unknown
Filed in: inspirational, d/s

Blessed are the Dominants,whose willingness to exercise responsibility for a submissive is the foundation of our Lifestyle. Blessed is the submissive, whose only true joy and desire is to serve. Ble[...]

Ceremony of Submission by Ds Kiosk
Filed in: collars, ceremony

To be conducted privately after dark, with prior knowledge and consent of both participating parties. Participants: Buyer (later becomes the Master) Girl (later becomes the Slave) To the Girl: Thi[...]

Cleaning Toys by Author Unknown
Filed in: toys

You'll need these things to clean your toys: * soap and hot water * one part household bleach to nine parts water * 10% hydrogen peroxide solution What if you're using a toy on someone and[...]

Leathercare and Bootblacking by Sergeant Major
Filed in: leather, cleaning

Leather in all its various forms from garments to boots to accessories is the most obvious symbol of the lifestyle. Expensive to acquire, with proper maintenance and care it will outlast its owner&rsq[...]

Polyamoury 101 by Cherie L. Ve Ard and Franklin Veaux
Filed in: relationships, polyamory

Closed Marriage n : Marriages where there is no emotional intimacy or sexuality outside the marriage. Closed Group Marriage n : A group of individuals who describe themselves as married but may or ma[...]

Fear by kaya
Filed in: dominance, submission, slavery, fear, m/s, commitment, ache

For Master. When I used to say "Oh I want someone who can push me.. who doesn't stop when I say stop.. who does what they want and aren't guided by MY reactions", I can honestly say that I n[...]

The 12 Days of Kinky Christmas by Unknown
Filed in: humor

On the 1st day of Christmas, my master gave to me... A Small Feather Pillow for my knees. On the 2nd day of Christmas, my master gave to me... 2 Nipple Clamps and a Small Feather Pillow for my knee[...]

Slave Petitions by Master Eso
Filed in: slavery, contracts

In my article “The Process Of Selection”, I have already proposed the similarities between finding or petitioning a Master, and finding or applying for job employment. In[...]

I am a Submissive Woman by laKajira
Filed in: submission, inspirational

I am a submissive woman. I find pleasure, joy, and fulfillment from being submissive to another in a loving relationship. I am not weak, or stupid. I am a strong woman, with firm views and a clear co[...]

Spiders, Snakes, and Single Tails: Dealing with Fears and Phobias by Norische
Filed in: health and safety, general knowledge, fear

The word phobia originated from the Greek god Phobos. When in battle the Greek army would call on Phobos to assist them, he would inflict the apposing army with irrational, intense fears, fears like&h[...]

It's Raining Men: The Basics of Piss Play by Norische
Filed in: health and safety, watersports

Urine – Liquid waste product produced by the kidneys. The volume of urine depends on the fluid intake and diet. An average amount of urine excreted within a 24-hour period is between 0.8 and 2.6[...]

Speech Training 2: How To Apologize by Norische
Filed in: training, speech

One slave I was training stated quite blatantly that she would not apologize when told to do so, because she felt she gad done nothing wrong. Whether or not she had done something wrong was irrelevant[...]

Vanilla-isms: Causes and Cures by Lady Green
Filed in: speech, vanilla

The psychotherapeutic establishment is still struggling to understand the subset of sexual activity characterized by hysterical insistence on the appearance of complete equality at all times, as well [...]

Knights vs. Gods by Master Eso
Filed in: dominance, definitions

Naturally, for most slaves and submissives it is a most desirable, pleasing and romantic thought and wish to find and serve ones “Knight in Shining Armor”. And finding on[...]

Caffeine Addicts of Gor: A Guide to Gorean Black Wine: A Real Eye-Opener by unknown
Filed in: gorean information

    On any world, a good strong cup of coffee is considered both a delicacy and, to many, the ideal quick pick-me-up to enable a person to shake off the effects of alcohol or to greet t[...]

Switchy Thoughts on Spiritual Domination by The Enigmatic Angel
Filed in: dominance, submission, service, switch, spiritual, spiritual domination

"To see a world in a grain of sand,And a heaven in a wild flower,Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,And eternity in an hour." ~ Willaim Blake, from Auguries of Innocence The Spiritual As[...]

Seven Pillars of Dominance by J. Mikael Togneri
Filed in: dominance, inspirational

The topic of experience often comes up when discussing BDSM. Experience is the sum-total of everything we have learned in a given field, and everything that we will learn in future. I was born dominan[...]

Developing sub/slave Training Programs Part 3: Using Contracts by SAADE
Filed in: submission, training, contracts

We present the following true story for your education. It is important to know that the contracts we enter into are not legally binding and will most likely be dismissed by law enforcement and court[...]

Speech Training 1: Introduction by Norische
Filed in: training, speech

Knowing how to properly introduce oneself is extremely important. An improper introduction can taint the entire conversation and perhaps slew the initial impression in a detrimental manner. As the old[...]

Etiquette For Public Play by laynie
Filed in: etiquette, play

Having been in this lifestyle for 6 years and having had the opportunity to play as well as DM at various public and private events. It always amazes me how many people do not [...]

Whipping Wonderland (carol) by Unknown
Filed in: humor

Sung To The Tune Of "Winter Wonderland" Slave bells ring, are you listening? Through the pain, their eyes are glistening. A beautiful sight, We're happy tonight Walking in a whipping wonder[...]

Just Wait Till Your Father Gets Home: Telling Your Family by Norische
Filed in: leather, lifestyle, outting

“So what are you, some kind of Satanist, or what?” This was one of the first things my sister said when she walked into my house. It had been almost a year since I had seen my sister, she[...]

The Taking Ceremony by
Filed in: collars, ceremony

Master: We are here to be joined as Master and slave and to take or vows as such. woman, come before me in silence, make yourself naked and assume the position of rest. The woman removes ALL of her [...]

An Esoteric View: Civility and Incivility in The Scene by Master Eso
Filed in: etiquette, scene

In this essay, God is mentioned and referred to in numerous instances. This might be bothersome to some of us, although it really should not be. For God is just another description, [...]

VT Serves -- is there a purpose? by dark whisper
Filed in: submission, online

When I first found my way into a chatroom based on BDSM, I felt like I'd gone to an alien planet. There were those speaking in third person, or Olde English as if it was the natural order of the day. [...]

The Cane by John Bomberger
Filed in: toys, caning

The cane is an excellent instrument for use in administering corporal punishment. A cane is made from rattan and is normally 30 - 36 inches in length and comes in various diameters ranging from 1/4 t[...]

Dog Collars are So 90's by Norische
Filed in: collars

There are several different types of collars within the BDSM community, each one with a unique set of requirements, expectations, and rituals. Within the European Council and the Oriental Society ther[...]

Electricity Play: Demo Report by Bob Kosovsky
Filed in: health and safety, electroplay

On Nov. 9 [1994] the Gay Male S/M Activists (GMSMA) [of New York] had an evening devoted to the use of electricity. The man and woman who led the demonstration (I did not catch their names) basical[...]

Masturbation by Tamar Love
Filed in: how-to, sex

Masturbation used to be an utterly taboo subject. We were told touching ourselves was dirty and wrong, that if we did it we'd go crazy or grow hair on our palms. If these lies were spread to keep us f[...]

30 Harsh Things To Say To A Naked Guy by Author Unknown
Filed in: humor

1. I've smoked fatter joints than that.2. Ahhhh, it's cute.3. Why don't we just cuddle?4. You know they have surgery to fix that.5. Make it dance.6. Can I paint a smiley face on it?7. Wow, and your [...]

The Master II by Author Unknown
Filed in: dominance, inspirational

What should a Master be? The question can only be answered individually by both Masters and fledglings alike. Here is my rendition of what a Master should be. The Master is a strong man, a domin[...]

Sensuality Explored by Sean The Dom
Filed in: sex, general knowledge

Sensuality and sexuality are entities unto themselves. They are genderless, totally self-contained, and motivated spirits. If the body is alive, then we possess some sensuality, some sexuality. Some m[...]

Blessed Are They by Author Unknown
Filed in: inspirational

Blessed are the Dominants,whose willingness to exercise responsibility for a submissive is the foundation of our Lifestyle. Blessed is the submissive, whose only true joy and desire is to serve. Ble[...]

Old Guard, New Guard by Gayle Rubin
Filed in: general knowledge, old guard

I have problems with the way in which the distinction between "Old Guard" and "New Guard" is sometimes deployed. While there are many differences between leather/SM as it was prac[...]

'Twas The Night Before Christmas by Unknown
Filed in: humor, poetry, holidays

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even my spouse; The paddles were hung in the cupboard with care, In hopes that her bottom soon would be[...]

Why I Despise the Old Gard by Chuck and Donna Cosimano
Filed in: old guard

Because they're a waste of skin? Ok, this is going to be a very difficult article for me to write because I'm going to try to be somewhat objective about this subject and not drown myself in my own ve[...]

An Intimate Look at Ritual Pain by Amanda Silvers
Filed in: training, power, pain, experience, pain handling, ritual pain, rituals

"A person can't be creative and conformist at the same time," J.A. Meyer, "Brick Wall" The night is dark when we set out, with a cool silver moon the only illumination. I am blindf[...]

7 Subs Online by Unknown
Filed in: submission, humor, online

1. POOR-ME SUB: This "sub" always has something going wrong in her life. Of course, it is never her fault... she is always being played upon and victimized by others. If only she found the *[...]

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